
Remember people, THIS CAN HAPPEN TO YOU, it’s bullshit. 35 SECONDS, that’s how long it might take to pee (average is actually 21 seconds). They weren’t about to take off. WAKE UP.

His brain is operating at below average threshold; recommendations: impeach before nuclear war. You don’t let little kids drive a car, let alone an idiot lead a country. Trump must go.

Lol I swears I had muh white privilege card in muh wallet when I left the house this mornin’, why ya’ll gotta be all unfair??!

The lousy POTUS has a patsy lol no kidding bahahaha

I apologize now on behalf of a nation if you are offended; all Canada really wants are your border states or parts thereof, defined by a nice pleasant curve at North Dakota’s base...and Hawaii or Alaska, dealers choice lol.

The guy fkn did it. TRUMP did it! If he wasn’t being ridiculed for his actions, he’d be bragging about it, oh wait he did and he is, he fkn did it already. Stop analyzing his bullsh!t to find out what kind of sh!t it is. And stop being such petty ideologists, that you foresake logic and reason while inviting a sh!tty

Moral of the story: not only don’t keep shit around like sexual harassers, don’t facilitate and empower them, pay day is a bitch.

Edited by G.R.R. Martin...that’s hilarious, more to the point, who cares. Waaaait a minute, when someone has writer’s block do they take a vacation to find inspiration in editing?

Hope it bombs and Scarlett walks away with a mint in pre-negotiation. This guy Steven Paul has produced maybe 3 movies and you can thank ‘crystal sky’ productions for both ghost rider movies...

Bran is as big a sh!t disturber as his mom, kills himself to save everyone the trouble...of luring him to a party lol. White walkers are satisfied and leave. The End.

LOGAN’S RUN! Almost certain this is one of the sets used.

This is laughably unscientific. A mere 300 degrees more hey. If you’re going to try and disprove a theory at least have the means to do a thorough investigation to actually discredit it. Lol what a hick. Oh and that ‘Canadian’ could have been ANYBODY with some rudimentary knowledge of Canada, read a book bahaha. A

You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villian. Give him one off characters to to be a trainwreck with, not my childhood dreams to pollute and pervert becoming barely recognizable.

SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. One of the ideas the U.S. of A. was founded on. Eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner morons. Now get back to work.