buzz killington

Villanova can definitely lose this game, they have been stringing along all season, never quite getting over the line of gelling into what they’d like by this time of year. That said, they just went through and won the Big East regular season title and tournament. It’s a down year for the Big East, no doubt, but the

The podcast was top notch. I consume a lot of podcasts and am able to discern those that are well produced and those that are recorded on a phone in somebody’s mobile studio (aka a car in a garage). The host is badass and there is an air of contempt for Holmes, and those selected as interviews were forthright and open

Oh wow. You’re not joking. I hadn’t seen pictures of her before. She’s straight up Alita Battle Angel in some of these.

Yeah, I’ll just drop them off when I’m on my way to your work.

Don’t do this, don’t do that. Rules for how to be a good human.  Seriously, my own personal view here is that nothing will ever change the bulk of what people do - you need to work with how people are. We should work on having sorting robots and machines that can get the job done whether a can is crushed or not. And

Two dozen MLB front offices saw this and immediately lied to themselves that this is why they didn’t even attempt to sign an MVP-caliber player in free agency.

Which South Philly old Italian men’s clothing store did Jackson shop at to find that beauty?

Those ass-clowns might NEED dentists, but I guarantee 95% of “Bikers For Trump” are high school dropouts collecting disability for the “back injuries” they suffered while working at the pallet factory. Their farty old grandpa bikes and “tough guy” vests their wives sewed for them just complete the whole cartoonish

Cosplaying dentists with their slow loud noisy bikes that are going the way of the dinosaur? Sounds like the perfect metaphor.

The story even indicated that, but gave context as to why this one was weird in fact. It’s almost like you didn’t read the story. I wonder why.

1992 is memorable because it was anomalous for the time.  The difference is that we are having year after year of 1992's.  When anomalies are normative, something’s up.

Wow it’s almost like the weather is getting weirder and much more intense for some totally unknown reason

It’s an old term. You’re hearing it now more often than you used to because it’s happening more often.

Good point.  I forgot the person who reforged Ice is different between the book and the show.

I am still hoping Jaquin shows up with Syrio’s face.....

Dog army is totally my favorite fan theory. 

If she somehow was able to get a White Walker face, that would be...I can’t even finish, I’m so excited at the idea.

he was super buff from rowing for 4 seasons.

DOG ARMY confirmed at 1:22.

Dude is totally making Valyrian steel this season.