buzz killington

Because listening IS literally the least thing white folks can do? It’s not enough but Michael described it accurately.

Uhhh, noooooo. The underlying entitlement is the problem. Alcohol just brings it out.

Alcohol only reveals what’s underneath. It doesn’t create it.

He has money, and that = credibility in America, especially in 2019.

The people who complain the most about giving up some money or privilege are usually the ones who have the most of both and won’t at all notice what they’ve “lost.”

Well, ~135M Americans.

User name checks out

I love how Stephen looks genuinely confused as to why the hell they’d go to commercial right when he’s getting rolling. Now here’s a guy who truly does not understand his role in life.

Huh? It seems like Billy is pointing out that SAS is making the wrong point (i.e., the one you quoted) instead of the right point (i.e., the preceding part you omitted).

So YOU’RE the guy.  All right; way to be.

This will never get old.

Uhhh...sure, OK, guy with “tits” in his username and who apparently just signed up to comment back on this particular story. Hit a little close to home?

Well there you go thinking about “what’s the right thing to do?” rather than jumping immediately to “what’s politically expedient?” and ending the inquiry there.  You’re never gonna be any sort of Republican or centrist Democrat with that approach.

Can he just go away and stay there?

That’s the catch; they don’t see women as “partners” or “human beings.” They’re misogynists and sociopaths who value women (and others, but especially women) only for what those others can provide them—what others can do for them. There’s no understanding of a partnership of equals.  So their anger stems from a

It’s pretty instructive seeing the number of people who actively hope an A-10 mows down hundreds of Americans for standing in the wrong place.

Chickie-Nobs aren’t a thing yet, but there are plenty of people who will bitch that lab-grown meat isn’t “real meat.”

Yeah, unlike beef, which has no adverse effects!

Actually, that is pretty much the entire theme of the post.  

Goddamn these people are stupid.