buzz killington

Absolutely. The order is reduce, reuse, recycle. Recycle is the last resort. We should all be reducing the amount of waste we generate first, then reusing what we can, then finally recycling anything left.

Mentioned in passing, but you might be right that it deserves more emphasis.

Does any of it have to do with the ever-larger impact of a single NBA player? Like, NFL free agency doesn’t feel like it has the same power either, because a Khalil Mack or Bryce Harper will never be an instant conference championship ticket like a Lebron could. Exceptions of course, but on average.

Yes. That’s exactly the point of this article. Thank you for getting it.

He was not. Which is irrelevant unless you’re willing to argue with a straight face that literally everything that is against the law is worse than literally everything that isn’t. (Which is an argument, I should warn you, that would mark you as too stupid to keep commenting privileges on this website!)

Jesus, you guys. This is appalling and embarrassing from a comment community ordinarily as smart as ours. Levenson was not pressured to sell over the email. He was pressured to sell because the email revealed not just racism, but racism being brought directly to bear on the operations of an NBA franchise. If you don’t

I definitely took the S7 appearance as the show’s way of reminding viewers that Nymeria was still out there as well as introducing (at least part of) the wolf army that was continuously mentioned in the books but had never been a part of the show, in order have them show up again down the road.

Do you have a dog over 20lbs but under 50lbs that you are trying to validate by misquoting one of the greatest Ron Swanson lines of all time?

Now that they confirmed that Ser Pounce is dead, this is all I will accept.

Last night I posed the following question to a friend:

That makes sense. I’ll have to remember this question in the future when I misplace my “they live” style sunglasses.

First he was a replacement caddy

Fuck you.

No way this guy don’t jack it to Atlas Shrugged

The frightening thing is that the idea that better off people deserve to be paid more because it’s what they’re used to really is how these assholes think. 

Oh, he does though! I can’t even tell you the number of times over the past two seasons where he’s put up a good, not great, game in a loss and started his press conference with “I fucking sucked” or something like that.

This was a tough loss, but with Embiid missing 6/8 3-point attempts (which pretty much count as turnovers since the opposing team always grabs his missed threes) JJ’s shot being off, and the new team still gelling, it wasn’t an entirely unexpected one. Stevens has Brown’s number, it is known.

He promoted his church on national television. She criticized it on social media. Seems totally fair.

There are people on the left just as willing as people on the right to tell other people how, when, and where they are allowed to worship.

Also, as Page also points out, the anti-gay stuff is most damaging to kids. There are very few divorced children in the world. Pratt is an adult and can choose to hang out with people who believe he's made a sinful decision, but who knows what life is like for LGBTQ kids in that church.