buzz killington

Even on the Are course yesterday, not known as one of the steepest downhills, the racers went from 0 to 100 kph (62 mph) within moments. Hitting 130 kph (80 mph) isn’t uncommon.

fultz and his camp did that to himself. no one is asking simmons to “change” his shooting, just to engage in the act.

Sheep Hunters are Romantics, who love high places and solitude. To them the wild ram embodies the mystery and magic of the mountains, the rocky canyons, the snowy peaks, the fragrant alpine meadows, the gray slide rock, the icy dancing rills fed by snowbank and glacier, the sweet clean air of the high places, and the

“i watched them lose one game and now i know more than the sports writer i just read,”-you

Sixers are basically doing the opposite of the Lakers. Instead of holding onto assets and counting on signing a player in free agency, the Sixers are going right out and trading for their guy, intending on making a positive impression to lock them in after the contract ends.

Plus you know they’re gonna snag a dude or two in the buyout market. Add, say, Wes Matthews or JR Smith or Jeremy Lin and that bench looks a lot better. 

For the 76ers ... they’re shooting their shot!”

he choked the lion to death while defending himself.

And yet you managed to run headlong into the stove, anyway...

I was thinking more of the investment banks and corporate boardrooms, but yeah, excellent point.

“Hardesty simply read every officer’s account of Lewis’ racist joke.”

I can see a suspension, but a firing seems way too harsh.

Somewhere in Boston, an intern is secretly creating a “Known Rapist” chyron for next season. 

He’s Joel. Joel Embiid. You best believe he’s playing for that number did seed.

It’s a hostage negotiation where he’s wearing a suicide vest made out of hot dogs. There’s a reason even the most right wing Republicans don’t run on “entitlement reform” as a platform. It’s quite possibly the least popular position a politician can take.

You never want to see a young man struggle in his career, but when that struggle makes LaVar Ball look like a horse’s ass, it really helps the medicine go down.

Dude, I see your point, but can we please stop with the aggrieved “Deadspin is a singular coherent entity that’s totally in agreement at all times” trope? Corporations are not people, fuck Antonin Scalia’s rotting corpse.

If only we could exchange Halladay with Schilling right now.

Can it really be a meltdown if he’s basically always like this?