Killface 2024

Ford only agreed to make the movie if Han Indy dies.

Ha, first on this. Bring on Yaddle, hell yes. There was a ‘Tales of the Jedi’ comic back in the day from Dark Horse and they gave her an amazing back story. Hoping they can do that in animated form, it would be great to see!

Same here. And even what many consider it’s downsides - the glacial pace, some baffling unexplained story logic, etc - all that made it so mysterious and engaging to little nine year old me, that it sits in my head right next to 2001 as films that transported me fully into something wholly alien. Will always love it

This is still my favorite Trek movie, warts & all. I think Wrath of Khan is probably a better movie, but this one has such an amazing sense of scale and vastness that captured me as a kid in the theater and every time I’ve watched it since.

But I think some of that is due to our society’s double standard on parenthood. It’s considered “normal” for a single woman to dream of parenthood but considered weird and creepy for a single man.

Yes, but she refused to show up.

I’ve always had the impression the he’s probably a bigger asshole than his publicists ever allow anyone to see. There’s probably a good chunk of actual RDJ in Tony Stark.

Too late, Darling worry engaged:

Charles II was decent — he was an amateur scientist who went on to found the Royal Society (one of the first organizations for scientists and I believe the oldest with continuous existence). But the current Charles likes homeopathy and is a disgrace to this tradition.

Fair enough.  My sarcasm meter these days is broken given the sheer number of right-wing shitheads that voice their dumbass opinions.

They can finally get to work on the finale now!

Wikipedia tells me that Charles II was popular in his day. Elizabeth clearly didn’t consider the name too terrible for a probable future king. Also per Wikipedia, William will likely be the first British monarch to be descended from Charles I and II (on his mother’s side).

Cameron Esposito, and I liked her article about being at a topless beach with the terminator from Terminator 3. I think she got a lot of shit for writing original articles other than reviews, which is kind of ironic given that it was only a few years before the avclub head down the “content-aggregator” path.

Well it’s about time SOMEBODY fucking talks about this.

She likes the film she doesn’t want to see it too many times for fear it might lose its unique magic.  

He absolutely is!


A ..”what we do in the shadows” movie eh? I can’t believe no one’s thought of making one!

Because, right now, I’d imagine DCAU is keeping its fucking head down and trying, begging, praying not to be noticed by any of the errant dickslips from Discovery.

Kith used Steve Buscemi in their spring campaign so this feels like they’re following a blueprint with prominent New Yorkers of a certain stature and age.