Killer Potato

I wish Turkey would confirm the type of missile used. This makes sense if it was a sidewinder or other IR guided missile, but I would think they would detect an AMRAAM launch.

I assume it was a sidewinder that was fired (IR guided, would not trip RWR) and if you look, that plane has poor visibility to the rear. It is an attack plane rather than a fighter. The only way they could have detected the missile launch would be with some sort of missile warning system (like the one installed on

That’s actually in dispute. The initial report was that it was fired on after it left USSR airspace (they didn’t fire in time). The USSR later changed the story. Just like it is currently in dispute with this incident. Very similar indeed.

They would have no guarantee that any other member would help. Whether it is likely one member would refuse to back another or not, the loss of that “guarantee” is what would jeopardize the entire alliance. There is no need for NATO at all without that guarantee, as we could just say “of course we will help you,

Hitler was an athiest. Athiests can do insane things too. The idea that a bunch of athiests will be perfectly peaceful is frankly quite naive.

An even better way to break up NATO is by Germany/France or other NATO members NOT responding if Turkey calls for help. That would destroy the alliance. At that point, the US wouldn’t necessarily need to come to Germany’s aid, or the UK to France’s aid, etc.

Yes, and with Russia returning to old Soviet ways, let’s not forget KAL007, which the Soviet Union shot down after it briefly violated its airspace (it went down in International airspace). Russia can’t exactly claim the high ground on this just because they were “passing through.”

I have to agree. I can’t help but draw parallels to the situation in the South China sea. When someone invades your territory, even in a non-threatening manner you either have to put up or shut up. China seems to recognize that their claims to that artificial island aren’t something they can assert (at least at this

Some time later, pilot now employed with Delta:

It could be just as simple as the ISIS leaders felt it would have more impact saying it was shot down. That implies they don’t need to go through the trouble of sneaking someone onto a plane, and that ALL flights are in danger.

It’s tempting to call it a B-1ski given Russia’s long tradition of borrowing ideas (we’ve borrowed things from them too).

If the Tu-22 is doing 1250mph and firing its tailgun at something behind it, that something is likely also doing at least 1250mph in pursuit... That means you get that speed added back in on impact.

Unfortunately countermeasures don’t work that way. You want the countermeasure to move somewhat like the launching plane so that it will fool the seeker. Firing them out at high speed at the missile is just going to make the seeker ignore it.

Nuking is a bit extreme, but I am starting to think more and more there are 2 types of “innocent civilians” still left in these cities. Those being slaughtered, and those watching the others get slaughtered while cooperating with ISIS and allowing themselves to be used as human shields.

There is something to be said for not negotiating with terrorists. Terrorism is much more successful when the “Terror” part works, and people surrender to the terrorists. Fighting back may also end up in lives lost, but also has the potential to discourage future attacks.

Yeah, I actually see it as fairly unlikely that they were commandos. It is obvious a lot of planning took place, but it was probably done by others, and these guys were just the “martyrs” sent in to do the deed.

To be fair, I was nit-picking your nit-pick. It is obvious you fail at reading comprehension. Context is an important part of any written or spoken word. In most cases it is the MOST important part. The 12 mile rule context was important, in case you’re still not getting it.

Sadly people actually think (actually I suspect thinking doesn’t enter into it, but feel) this way. Guns, bombs, knives, all used in attacks, and you can’t significantly limit the availability of them. At least if this occurs in a US city that still respects the 2nd Amendment, people will have a fighting chance.

Seeing as that is my primary language, I understand it just fine. Your interpretation is just your interpretation.

I came to say this as well. After seeing CNN’s front page which just says “BLOODBATH” it is good to see someone is reporting this sensitively and rationally.