
Still got nothing on Arctic Trucks 6-wheeler Hilux.

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Super obscure, but I might rush the sound booth if they played this:

It is pretty American. I mean, they're turning left and everything.

I love the looks of pity from the guys getting posterized - "oh they're Bills fans; poor bastards, let 'em have this".

Actually, it looks a pinch like an Aston, to me, particularly around the headlights.

Like a super Eunos Cosmo!! Drop a 4 rotor in there and replace the silver arrow and boom!

Oh yeah, I DO see Mazda styling cues. Good eye.

Sidney Crosby

These two all the way:


Right? I'm even in New York already, why couldn't this be on a weekend?

Any chance of there being a part number or serial number on the part? The part number would allow us to do a simple Google search to ID the part. If it is serialized and the facility the vehicle was manufactured in keeps record it could be possible to find out the VIN number of the vehicle in question.

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Helicopter rail slide followed by helicopter 720.

Hey Subaru what does "tS" stand for?
Subaru- Oh you wanted more power? "tough Shit"

I own this Pantera. You want a car that you actually drive then get one!
Easy to work on and many options for parts. Online community is great and very helpful.
Only mistake buying one is getting one that needs too much work. Get a nice one!!

Trim for acoustic foam in a music studio.

Cool! Alton Brown once rigged up a smoker from a pair of terra cotta plant pots and a hot plate to heat the wood chips.
