
As a Caps fan... holy hell is this perfect. Bravo, good sir, bravo!

see Sidney Crosby in the last couple weeks over his entire career

I think it’s better to wait for the season to be over, then binge on. If my wife and I had tried watching it each week I don’t think it would have been as satisfying.

The flying brick sabot for the Rail Gun HPV may not be very aerodynamic, but it likely works better than more traditional sabots due to the way that it’s accelerated; using electricity along the sides of the “barrel” instead of propellant located behind the shot.


Is it sad that I want to see about pulling Fraser out of retirement to work the ice again?

As someone who’s had to pay attention to him for many years (spoiler alert: Caps fan), he gets away with a ludicrous amount of bullshit, trips, slashes, hooks, etc. all the damn time. Add it to the fact he whines mightily on the rare occasion it gets called, even when it was entirely obvious and deliberate. I’ve

Oh, the Gaul!

Thank you for this post, as it led me down the rabbit-hole of seeing the 6-second GT-R, followed up by the 196mph MkIII Supra, which was especially sweet as a former MkIII owner. Made for a great morning! :)

Hehehehe, you said wood.

Maybe because they didn’t like that straight reverse gear whine.

If I was the ump, I’da tossed his ass out of the game for that. That shit’s dangerous. The guys in the dugout are probably watching the ball, not some jackass’ bat as it comes hurtling towards them outside of their peripheral vision.

Why have I never seen this before?... That thing’s sexier than any $kaycog COTD Award (Sorry $kay!)

Compromise: use it to recreate the chase scene shot for shot in 4K HDR, then put it in a museum that gets a lot of traffic.

Jackass wine snobs that own 250-year old bottles of perfect vintage wines are exactly this type of person that you and I loathe. Wine was meant to be drunk; Cars, driven; life, lived. I agree that it should be driven, but I’d put it in the hands of a museum that would be willing to do it.

I would restore it, then sell it to the Smithsonian (or some major museum of cinema) at the cost of the restoration + storage + shipping. The damn thing’s a legend and should be shared, not closeted.

Also, Phygital: Noun - That feeling in a teenage boy where they want to fool around but there’s a no-closed-doors policy at his girlfriend’s house, so they have to “study.”

The 15 year-old and 37-year old in me like this car for different reasons. Unlike the Civic Type-R, who’s body styling is reminiscent of putting high-tech lipstick on a low-tech pig, this one looks purpose-designed from the ground up. The Civic Type R has too much of it’s host Civic blandness while also having too

Chassis by Honda. Body by Michael Bay.