
Selling/trading in/giving up a car. I straight-up ugly-cried in the parking lot when my wife and I drove away from my 2013 Focus in our brand new 2017 Edge. I shoulda been happy, but damn that felt bitter.

A buddy and I are taking a trip from DC to Chicago for a summer concert. We were in our early twenties, still lived w/ the ‘rents, and had more disposable cash than what we knew what to do with, so we decided, “Road Trip!” I’d also just bought my first car, the one in my profile pic. An ‘89 Toyota Supra Mk III

This is it. This is the ugliest ferrari ever. Even in person, it doesn’t make sense to me visually.

It’s also one of those cars that, to me, looks a helluva lot better in person than in photos. There’s a ferrari dealership about a mile and a half away from my office, so I see these tooling around on a near daily basis. They’re far sexier in person than any picture can do justice to.

At first I was wondering why someone was posting a pic of an old Civic in this thread... christ almighty, that’s the saddest looking pony I’ve ever seen.

Seriously? The car’s gorgeous, particularly considering the manufacturing limitations of the day, it’s just plain ol’ pretty.

No pun intended, but holy shit dude, 26?!?!? Fuck whether you’re destroying the planet with your tp use, you’re eviscerating your wallet!!! The cheap tp ends up costing more because of how much you have to use. Switch to a name brand product (one of the few cases where I will NEVER go generic) and use at least one

I’d make one adjustment. I’d make sure that the entry pipe is always at a slight decline leading out of the box, so that any rain doesn’t just funnel into the bottom of the inner box.

There’s only one horsepower number appropriate for a car entitled Demon:


P-Type. The L-Type looked like the one kid that grew up to be a yuppie in a working-class family.

Maybe at least one with the help of a blender.

White priviledge is this exactly, yep, race relations are worse for white people (myself being a white person.) I get awkward, sometimes angry glances from non-whites all the time now, and though it does hurt, I just do my best to smile back, as it helps me to understand even the tiniest smidgen of bullshit that

Thank you for sharing this. I didn’t realize how much I loved the 2JZ until I heard the opening to this video, not even recognizing I was looking at the ass-end of a mustang while enjoying that crescendo of scream.

TL;DR Version - Messi’s passes aren’t.

It’s a good thing that toss cleared the rocks, otherwise this would have been a completely different kind of moment.

The argument you’ll see around—mostly in the comments, actually—goes something like These players knew what they were getting into. Everyone always knew smashing your head is bad for your brain.

Except for the fact that people became so numb from overexposure to his particular brand and volume of crazy that they still voted for him. They’ve already been desensitized, this will end up a minor bump in the road.

True enough, but it’s remarkable watching how when the Caps get a lead against the Pens, all of a sudden the calls start going the other way, particularly if they carry it into the third period. It’s been consistently called that way ever since Ovi and Sid came into the league. Conversely, when the Pens get a lead,

Until the Refs realized they too wear black in their uniforms and stopped calling Pens penalties but called anything beyond a polite how-do-you-do on the Caps in the third period.

Because she asks for it.