
It’s a good thing that toss cleared the rocks, otherwise this would have been a completely different kind of moment.

Just hire Stevie Nicks to take over for live shots and skip the CGI recreation altogether.

The argument you’ll see around—mostly in the comments, actually—goes something like These players knew what they were getting into. Everyone always knew smashing your head is bad for your brain.

Except for the fact that people became so numb from overexposure to his particular brand and volume of crazy that they still voted for him. They’ve already been desensitized, this will end up a minor bump in the road.

Directed by Michael Bay.

True enough, but it’s remarkable watching how when the Caps get a lead against the Pens, all of a sudden the calls start going the other way, particularly if they carry it into the third period. It’s been consistently called that way ever since Ovi and Sid came into the league. Conversely, when the Pens get a lead,

Until the Refs realized they too wear black in their uniforms and stopped calling Pens penalties but called anything beyond a polite how-do-you-do on the Caps in the third period.

Because she asks for it.

Carmelized onions... throw in some Peppadew peppers (or some other pepper on the sweeter end of things), then add a good layer of interesting, creamy and/or melty cheese (think anywhere from simple goat cheese to something with a bit more funk and complexity, like brie or camembert) and you’ve got yourself a

Actually it can, and my wife can tell you all about it. I suspect it has to do with whether we’d planned it in advance or not. If she knows in advance, her anxiety level is a little higher, which leads to her being a little more clenched from the get-go. We’ve had extremely limited success with a planned backdoor

It could be that he’s trying to remain impartial, so he’s separating what he knows about FF as a company (which is something of a shitshow) from the review process. He’s trying to analyze the car without the context of the company behind it.

Happened to me and my ex, but to be fair there was a lot of massage oil involved from the erotic massage I’d been giving her. Turned into something we added into our repertoire. After the initial shock, she told me to keep going, and found out she liked it. I’m still embarassed about how it ended up happening, as

Jesus christ, was that body kit designed by Michael Bay? *cringe*

When I read the title, I thought you meant owner of the dead car company, in which case, Coke-Fiend John Delorean would easily kick the living crap out of anyone, then do a victory line off their beaten ass.

Now I show you real Ovech-trick!

Does this thing have a mid-mounted W16 in it? Because that roof scoop is ENORMOUS!

They got their Color Rush uniform ideas from across the sound in Vancouver.

That’s absolutely terrible, like slap yourself terrible.

“’Do you have a job?’ The second Comcast repair person asks the one man trying to keep more people from wrecking right in front of the trucks.”

You make a good point about people only buying the Veyron for that top speed number, but another reason is that it was arguably the first modern-day hypercar. Now, more and more hypercars emerge regularly that not only perform on the bleeding edge of technology, but look the part. Conversely, the Chiron, looking like