
I know this is the EPA range/efficiency, but what’s the real world range/efficiency?

Uh.... do you know how much a personal driver costs? let alone a 24/7 service?

That’s.... not true for a lot of the PHEVs (especially higher end luxury ones) on the market right now because of how big those batteries have become and the inefficiency PHEVs introduce to the drivetrain...

Replied to another guy below, but I think it’s worth taking note that the Model 3 Performance is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than the other small sedan rivals like the M3, RS5, and etc...

I think it’s worth taking note that the Model 3 Performance is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than the other small sedan rivals like the M3, RS5, and etc...

That doesn’t work nearly well enough for braking while hard driving on a race track lol.

Don’t forget that Starlink’s “disposable” satellites are depleting the ozone layer too when they reach end of life after 5 years in space lol.

if I can grab one for $15k, I’ll deal with it lol.
It’s getting close

Never bought anything close to sticker price before, even on used car lol...

No love for the E82 135i?

Credit card is literally a straight up discount for people who don’t use it as a loan to sustain a lifestyle that they can’t afford...

That’s not necessarily true?

I’m enjoying my “small” EV crossover coming in at 165.6" long... gets me cheaper rates on the WA ferries and etc too for being less than 14' (168") long...

No one gives a shit about you to spy on you 99.9999990%+ of the time. How many of these damn drone peepers do you actually see around?

We’ve known this for years.... From EVs in Phoenix and other southern desert cities in the US...

Let’s be honest here. No one cares.

It’s not the dive bomb that’s the issue.. it’s the yielding afterwards...Other racers usually yield a bit when they’re in the wrong, but not Max. He just crashes and bitch about it.

Been saying this for years now. Crashstappen hasn’t changed. The only thing changed was he had a car that no one can come close to in the last 2 years, so no crashes.

I mean... if you’re gonna save thousands (or even high hundreds), it’s probably worth a few more hours if not a day or two of your time....

Didn’t know that it was based on amount consumed...