Correct, 300,000 is EOL on the Prius battery. If you said to me you got 300,000 miles out of your ICE car I would say that is damn good and a reliable ass car.
Correct, 300,000 is EOL on the Prius battery. If you said to me you got 300,000 miles out of your ICE car I would say that is damn good and a reliable ass car.
Renting is a huge pain but most people are already 2 car households. 1 can be an ICE, hybrid, or plug-in, the other can be an EV and you’d still save a ton of money.
If I could have an EV charging port at my house (can’t, because townhouse)
I bet the last time you drove over 300 miles without a stop was approx 10 months ago. Before that, probably another 10 months.
This made me almost spit out my coffee but then the more I studied it, the more brilliant this is. Props to this guy!
Yes, because that is definitely the use case for 90% of the population.
Agree with this guy, the Voltec system is an absolutely brilliant system installed into the wrong body. The Volt should have evolved into a CUV then the tech should have flowed into other products including light duty trucks.
My son drives my wife’s old 2006 Civic hybrid which we bought from new. Battery needed replaced at 160,000 miles. This was archaic battery tech, not modern Lithium based. Cost $2500 to replace. Didn’t feel bad doing it as it was the only unscheduled cost the car ever incurred and it is now at 220,000 miles. …
Maybe in theory, but they also tend to be fairly reliable despite the complexity. The brakes last forever due to regen braking. Transmission and ICE engines tend to be under low stress due to the torque of the electric engines helping out. Electric drivetrain components are fairly simple. A lot of old Prius and…
The 200 is several orders of magnitude safer, if anyone cares to look at the math.
Well, from a design perspective, yes it is.
With a background in aeronautics, control systems, safety systems and embedded real-time control systems I assure you that pretty much everything about the MCAS implementation was fatally flawed. Hopelessly fatally flawed.
The issue would be finding the time to recharge the truck between hauls. We typically drive 13 or so miles from the landfill to the city, fill up in 3 hours, then 13 miles back to the landfill. 2-3 hauls a day for rear loader, side loader and front loader, 6+ hauls for roll off since they’re just picking up pre-filled…
This is another reason why urban garbage trucks are perfect candidates for electrification. They run on fixed predictable routes (plan your range) and they are dispatched from depots (charging points). Add to that getting rid of the diesel emissions and very importantly noise. Most garbage pickups are off hours so not…
Honestly, my money is on the Hyundai wearing better than the Buick considering GM’s questionable interior trim quality in the past. We rented a 2014 Sonata a few years back and the interior was very well-built if a bit less plush than expected nowadays; it felt a lot better than the contemporary Impala which was…
Perhaps perhaps because the Lexus is hideous. And the Hyundais look like a better looking Lexus.
My wife loves to rub it in my father line laws face that our 2019 Santa Fe has more features than his 2018 Buick Enclave that was like $17k more. I’m still concerned that the interior won’t hold up long term, but it’s a steal to get a CUV that’s near luxury for $30k out the door. Just for laughs I tried to build Q5…
Because “exciting” colors tend to be lot rocks, and dealers don’t want it taking up space. People are boring and want boring colors.