
What you just described is literally the reason bumpers were invented. Fast forward to now and bumpers... the piece that’s intended to be sacrificed to maintain the integrity of the car... are filled with THOUSANDS of dollars worth of electronics.

My Italian grandmother was Bronx Irish and probably had kids sleeping there. 

My Italian grandma called it the parlor and not the family room. 

An opinion on how people should keep their opinions to themselves

The plastic cover is for the family room and your Italian grandma doesn’t want you in the family room 

If only I had a Charger:

An opinion on how people should keep their opinions to themselves

The automotive equivalent of this.

It’s appropriate that the brand that started the whole “my pickup has to look like a semi” thing would be the one to move away from it.

Fact: Anything you say on the internet that you preface with “Fact:” becomes true no matter what you say.

I love my FIAT 500. Yes, there’s a 1,000 reasons why I shouldn’t drive this car and 2 reasons why I should, but my funeral. I do admit there is also something psychologically wrong when ME for driving this car (I was lucky I never needed a new car and rarely drove).

I’ve got a Coupe GT roller and a 01E... suddenly I’m more interested in doing this with a quattro car.  I might even keep it pointed in the right direction more than 20 seconds.

Super excited to see more EV power into the motorsport world. First the Camaro, then a classy Beemer with insta-torque? Can't wait to see what's next

Seeing the ease with which the rears can be smoked, makes me think the future in “practical” conversions likely lives in AWD drivetrains.

I Think that SUVs represent the selfish phase we are going.through right now here in the US. They know SUVs are not better than minivans or station wagons, they get worse fuel milage and don’t handle well, and are much more dangerous to pedestrians and other cars. But as long as they FEEL safe and powerful, they rest

Jeep ZJ Grand Cherokee got it right.

I can commiserate about the bullying. I drive a Fit. I’m constantly being cut off, pulled out in front of, and forced into another lane because I have a ‘little’ car. Not that I’d trade it for the world.

I go 10 over the limit in my ancient Elantra, I get cut off.

Who knew a Honda SUV could beat a Bugatti at a traffic light?