
Disclaimer: I’m Caribbean black, not African black.

Plus continuing the series allows us to get a broader view of what the rebellion was doing, other than the brief highlights we saw during the original trilogy. People forget the rebellion was a years-long campaign...not simply an attack on the Death Star, an escape from Hoth, and...another attack on another Death

I like the interface.

I already returned to Destiny for a couple weeks to get my two main characters to 32 in anticipation of this. Those couple weeks were a blast. I forgot how fun this game still is when played with friends. It’s like the digital equivalent of going to a pub and laughing at and with your buddies! Really excited for the

They are rolling out to other services soon enough. The fact that the Apple TV market is smaller is part of the point: they want to roll this out small-scale first, gauge reaction, then expand if successful. That’s how most successful tech services work.

The Apple TV is $69. If you can’t afford that, then you shouldn’t be spending $15 a month on a TV service in the first place.

yeah a $79 appletv is totally unobtainable

keep the hate train rolling Kotaku. The answer is Yes.

Right, I was talking to Kirk about this last night (while we were playing Destiny, hilariously). We're planning on running our review this week, after we try out the raids, and even THAT feels too early for a game like this. I'm not sure why so many outlets felt comfortable running their reviews so soon after release.

Marty has been with the company since Myth I don't think this termination would qualify as "downsizing" I'm guessing there is more to the story we're not being told about. The fact that no Bungie employees seem to have jumped in on Twitter seems to suggest there was some kind of falling out between Marty and Bungie. I

Maybe people will disagree with me, but I can't help but think that this is the kind of mentality that has driven corporate culture to the soullessness that it's at today. Yes, free speech has consequences, but this is a fairly harmless critique of a company that is ostensibly leaving 6,000 people jobless just in time