Mexican Blade Runner

Teenagers at least have an excuse for being stupid. If you’re still stupid after your brain has stopped developing you’re beyond salvation. 

Maybe it is time to implement a driving license with restrictions based on age and/or experience, like for motorcycle in Europe, which would limit the power of the vehicle that you are allow to drive.

Yup, first thought I had too. Like that idiot in L.A. who gave his 17 year old son a Lamborghini Urus who then killed a woman after running a red and plowing into her at 100+. That ended up as an $18M settlement. 

With more electric cars out there, kids are gonna get their hands on acceleration and speed. 

Your 180 HP was a massive 3X the power of my high school ride, a 1984 Tercel wagon! I remember I had to downshift to 4th to clear a moderate highway grade on my way home from school, maybe 3rd if I was bringing back some fellow 99-pound XC buddies :-) Thinking back to my 90's high school days, I am beyond thankful our

If I ever pulled shit like this I might as well take myself to the electric chair

WTF do parents let their kids drive cars like that, The most powerful vehicle I drove when I was a teen was a stick shift corvette with my uncle in the passenger seat so I was supervised. When I was by myself driving it was a minivan and my 1st car was a mkiv jetta 1.8t 5spd. Whopping 180hp, enough to get in trouble

Every dad ever.

I have been working with teenagers for 25 years. I have learned to never underestimate the stupidity of people. 

Yup, that’ll happen.

ARSTechnica is going strong. Bonus:  They hate Nazis.  

If you’re still on twitter you deserve everything bad that happens to you. Materially supporting a white supremacist is not worth keeping your social graph. Meta sucks, but is objectively better at outreach, and all you’re supporting is your standard billionaire weirdo.

Jezebel is alive and separated from the GMO cancer, though I’m not sure it’s viable on its own in the long term.

So we are left with AV Club, Gizmodo, and The Takeout as real sites. All of which are a shadow of their former selves.

So, Spanfucker strikes again. I still have no idea what that piece of shit gets out of gutting everything and turn it all into trash bin of low-effort clickbait, slideshows, auto-play video ads, banners, banners, banners, etc.

The weird thing is that the tail slipping between the legs wasn’t shot for Lambert’s death, but Brett’s (those are his sneakers, Lambert wears cowboy boots). So at some point in the editing process, Scott was maybe like, hey, what if the Alien sexually violated her? Hell, even Cartwright was saying in magazine

My brother in Christ, Alien is entirely about getting raped by a alien. 


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Introduce? It was *strongly* implied that the xenomorph violated Lambert in the original.

I think you could argue it was always about Alien sexual assault?