Mexican Blade Runner

So one gets punished for entering a on-ramp (acceleration!) or having the temerity to stop quickly to avoid rear-ending a car that suddenly turns right without any signal?

I dont think this was suicide. If he really wanted to likely kill himself, he’d just fly on a Boeing plane once a week.

Touchscreen shifters are a fantastically stupid idea.

yeah at much lower numbers she even could have played stupid on this. 

Tale as old as time: get greedy - get caught.

It is absolutely stunning, and I’d definitely be interested, but I have a 2007 Toyota Sienna, and it has the same engine, so I imagine the performance is very much on par.

I’ve never been in a plane that was hit, but my dad (who flew a lot more than me) got hit a couple times.  He said there would be a bang and the inside of the plane smelled funny (Ozone), but the lights wouldn’t blink or anything.

Body of article: “Airliners are designed to survive lightning strikes just fine, you uneducated idiot.”

Confirmed by this documentary:

2007 Buzzfeed called and wants their lowest-possible effort listicle of shit everyone already knows back

Nobody believes that fortune cookies are Chinese food. It’s been well-known for decades that they were invented in America.

My only sleeper car criteria: Is it fast enough so we can fly away?

The key is making it look as little like other cyberpunk movies and games as possible. 

I don’t think The Matrix really has a lot in common with Neuromancer beyond the idea of jacking in” to an artificial reality. The cyberspace matrix in Gibson’s books is not a recreation of the real world, but an abstract landscape inspired by 1980s video games and early computer graphics. (There are “simstims,” but

I was welding in Crocs once when I learned that hot metal goes right through them. Not the holes, the actual material does nothing to stop it. Never again. 

The sky above the port was the color of a television tuned to a buffering stream.

Keep a magnetic tray in the laundry room for all the parts and tools that end up in there when you are washing your wrenching clothes.

I’m curious how they’ll do the phone scene in the airport, it’s such a great scene, but is so oddly dated now.

Please, feel free to do Count Zero and Mona Lisa Overdrive. Count Zero was actually my introduction to the Sprawl trilogy, as it was serialized in Asimov’s Science Fiction mag (a real important thing, back then...). It is just as vibrant and maybe more action packed then Neuromancer. While we’re at it can we all

So much of what makes Neuromancer is Gibson's use of language. Hope they do a good job and all, but it seems kind of lacking.