Mexican Blade Runner

That was my only takeaway - I am sure Canoo is being invoiced a few grand for refilling the onboard minibar with every needless flight, too.

Interesting how this Morning Shift has two separate stories about CEO potentially abusing their control over two separate companies for their own benefit.

The worst of that story is that it’s not even Canoo’s jet. They are reimbursing a company owned by the CEO that operates the jet, so there’s no telling if the CEO is just using his own company to bilk Canoo out of money for fake flights or massively inflated/made up costs. I would bet there’s zero oversight happening

It is 180 days, but the board of directors can waive that. What I am guessing is that they are refusing and he is trying to bully them into letting him since he needs money now and thinks it will be worth a lot less in six months anyway. Even if he wins this suit and gets them removed from the company, it won’t happen

Truth social had revenues of $4M last year, lost more than $100M over the last two years, and just made Donny about $1.5B.

This is what they wanted you to think at first, but of course it’s a repeat of the “Mechanical Turk”.

It’s like finding out that a vending machine actually has a poor person locked inside it that is forced to take money and send out the right drink. Incredibly dystopian.

As it seems to be with a lot of supposedly advanced tech these days, it’s all just smoke and mirrors with real people still doing the hard work.

largely because offshore cashiers were rewatching videos and assigning items to different customers.”

As an aside, an actual stone age cave painting inspired art style could actually be pretty cool, married to a non-stone age UI.

Part of the problem is how CNN (and other outlets) reported about these people.  They were all identified as nationals of other countries.  If they were legal immigrants they should have been identified as Americans.  CNN is definitely not MAGA, but their reporting makes them appear to all be undocumented illegal

Good lord, grow up, you fucking infant. It’s a second tier bridge based on its capacity and traffic volumes and its overall role in the highway network in the region. Baltimore is a third tier city by any measure in terms of population, real estate market, sports, whatever the fuck you want to use.

Part of the toxicity of the MAGA crowd is the default assumption that anyone with a non-European surname must have questionable legal status, where there’s no evidence that any of the people in question have any less right to live and work in America than Melania and her parents.

Meanwhile this article is placed on a site that covers the whole screen with a newsletter subscription popup and a slideshow system that you can’t navigate out of

And now you know why dealerships are panicking over EVs. All of that overpriced maintenance will soon be unnecessary.    

I hope the readers here take note of the surnames and ancestry of the road workers who lost their lives here. Almost a year ago to the day (March 23, 2023) 6 workers were killed on another part of the 695 beltway when a car crashed through a work zone, and most of those workers were also from central America,

The conspiracy theories floating around that this was purposeful are wild. A ship purposely knocked down a second-tier bridge in a third-tier city at 1:30 at night by faking a power failure. The rot is real.

the bridge was asking for it.

Gotta wait for the adjusters to hash it out. A nearby boat ramp witnessed the collision and the rumor is that bridge may not be at fault here.

A busy bridge in Baltimore collapsed early Tuesday morning following a collision with a cargo ship.