Mexican Blade Runner

Why IS he still a thing?

Why IS he still a thing?

It’s wild to me that they haven’t licensed the old stuff off to whomever has two quarters to rub together, like every pre-Discovery Star Trek. It’s literally perfect background noise TV.

I’ve seen maybe two of his standups and enjoyed them a lot for the most part. He has impeccable timing and that’s central to good storytelling. My one criticism is that he spends too much time talking about dicks - mostly his own. I know why this is important to the culture, but 30 minutes and more of it (complete

I think his point about the internet/videos on social media not allowing comedians to work on their jokes only applies to the super famous 5% or so. The rest can still toil away in relative obscurity. I saw Atsuko Okatsuka perform twice last year about six months apart, so there was some overlap in material but she

a safer way for folks to invest gamble in Bitcoin

Wait, Is Bitcoin Going to Die?

I think until the root cause is determined, that caution is best. This surely feels like an incursion by the CG aircraft. And if so, why? Was there a significant failure of local surface radar (ASDE-X), or runway entrance/status lights, or some other incursion-control safeguard? Was someone in the ATCT drunk? There

With all consideration and condolences to the families of those Coasties who died, that was still a miracle that it was so few people killed or injured. I’m sure the cause will become clear in the coming days, but the low death toll is still testament to the incredible safety procedures and standards of modern air

I’m on X, i’d like to get off of it.. I have a few issues moving to Threads tho. First, I really dont like FB and havent had a FB account - ever. I dont want one. Looks like that may be a requirement for Threads.. I dont trust Zuck anymore then I trust Elon. Second, I follow a lot of content around very specific

I have friends who are very liberal and refuse to leave Twitter because of the number of followers they have. They do not like when I point this out to them. 

As much as Musk is an insufferable twat and his slow-rolling implosion is fun to watch, there is something wrong with the people who are suddenly outraged and bailing on Twitter because of an overnight outage - NOT the rapid explosion of anti-LGBTQ, antisemitic, misogynistic, xenophobic, hate speech on Twitter.

Thankfully the Florida crocs live in pretty isolated areas. But alligators roaming around are a pretty normal thing. It’s their land either way, we just squat on it. They were here long before we were, and will be here long after humanity is gone, in all likelihood.

Nah, that’s not true. Laws and customs from other countries have no legal precedence in US courts. There would need to be local laws in place to have an impact on him being force to collectively bargain, and Texas is notoriously anti-union. I believe there are even laws in place that would prevent other unions from

That’s why we don’t put 12 year olds in charge of nothing.

I had a Chevy dealer attempt to charge $1200 for dealer prep. After digging at them they revelaed this included a pin stripe down the side of the car and nitrogen in the tires.....that already came from the factory with nitrogen in them....which is a scam in itself. They literally tried to scam the scam and cover it

I don’t think it looks scary, but it did leave me with frustration. I can just imagine all the face palms I’m gonna have from reading comments on different message boards regarding this.

I also think that this is likely significantly less of a mechanical headache than most of what you’ve listed.

So does “technological limitations” mean that Musk just fired staff that would have implemented this type of thing? Seems like a pretty big blow to a company that wants to fashion itself into “the everything app” if it can’t develop a pretty straightforward streaming platform for one of its biggest “gets”.

They can’t all be Ferrari.