Mexican Blade Runner

I’m all for new scifi-series (especially if based on some good book, opposed to Marvel crap). However I think they should make a series about this case. Sounds even better than the original series.

Is this how Netflix does deals now? “Here bro, have $62M, don’t spend it all in one place, have fun?” Because, man, have I got some bridges they might want to buy...

Who the hell buys 5 Rolls-Royces? They only make 4 models. 

I was a corner worker at the Long Beach GP for decades. In between each session we would check the welds on the manhole covers in our turns. Never damaged a car, or had to stop a session.

The race organizers are F1 themselves.

Ground Effect tunnels underneath the car that create the downforce also suck up the pavement. This is not unknown and has happened before in F1, WEC, Indycar etc. 

3 Supervisors including a Suit. One Union worker

It is the same Jalopnik it has always been.

If you’ve never pulled an interior out of a commercial aircraft or fully disassembled a lav for a C or D check, you can’t even imagine what you’re missing.

When David Foxx reached out to Jalopnik, he was on his 10th day of a 19-day vacation

Has he tried not being a cunt?

He’s a billionaire who bought an entire social network just so he could yell to a captive audience and force them to pay attention to him.

The people who own Ridgelines absolutely love them. As much hate as this vehicle got from “real truck people” when it was launched, these things hold their value incredibly well and are adored by their owners. It still doesn’t really have a true competitor either - no one else in the US market has made a pickup on the

I mean, I’m just saying. The sink is right there next to the toilet and you’ll NEVER hear any splashing if you’re pissing in the sink.

My dad was a loud pee-er and he used to typically come home from work as we were sitting donw to dinner. He’d go into the bathroom (which was right next to the kitchen) and do a loud fucking pee which nobody else remarked on but I thought was disgusting. Thirty years later, I am still a side-of-the-bowl man just to

As I understand it, all Netflix originals are available everywhere. It’s just the shows/movies licenced from other sources which vary by country.

The fact that AV club completely ignored the show , and the fact that it didn’t get mentioned here at all until now,( despite being one of the highest viewed shows on netflix right now )made me assume it wasn’t available in the US.* Its a slow start but gets really really good, and while it’s a limited series, and

Ah comic collecting...How do DC and Marvel decide which trades to keep in perpetual print and which will hit triple figures on eBay?

Piss against the wall.  Got it.

Who the fuck hasn't?