Mexican Blade Runner

It’s the trend.

The media has been after EVs for a long time (except Tesla).

In fact, after EV sales reached a high of 7.8 percent of new car sales in America, Automotive News reports that this has dropped to 7.7 percent in September,

What was she thinking? Probably that she was finally finishing a very long contract and looking forward to going home. And while it would be fun to have a big scene with a friend before everyone went their separate ways, that wasn’t going to happen. It’s really not that deep. 

It made sense when Oberyn lost against the Mountain after being too cocky - two trained fighters with different but equally excellent skills.

I dunno, Arya does some pretty cruel shit for cruelty’s sake later on. She could want to toy with her prey, and get just overconfident enough to let Cersei get a single hit in before it’s over. 

Yeah, tell the millions of people who have access to healthcare now that was previously out of their reach that they’re not better off with ACA.

Yet your first instinct was to defend the ACA.

Not really. And it’s fun to watch the sycophants crawl out of the woodwork to reflexively defend what is, basically, our health care disaster!

I mean, it’s working so well that Republican voters won’t let their reps repeal it…

Oh shut up. The ACA is far from perfect, but it’s better than what was there before.

Glad to see the ACA working like a charm!

While I’m not familiar with the off-roading scene in Moab, if it is anything like where I grew up it can be summarized thusly:

Did it ever occur to you that maybe there isn’t some big decided-upon “view” on EVs and these journalists are just calling it like they see it and sometimes where these sites end up is just above or below what you personally think and therefore you feel like certain sites are particularly pro or anti EV?

^^^This guy gets it. He only left out insurance costs for EVs. Manufacturers kill off cheap cars, only ship EVs with 100s of miles of range, high base prices and bonkers horsepower and dealers are allowed to add their own arbitrary markups without any guardrails whatsoever. Now that we’ve reached the bullshit

Since when do EVs have insane maintenance costs? I just got the 20k service done on my Polestar and you know what they did? Replace the wiper blades and filled the washer fluid. It cost $0. 

They just posted Toyota PR without verifying it with hard numbers. I posted in a different post the Prius they are saying is selling well compared to EVs (which they use misleading comparisons of the F150 Lightning supply vs Prius) actually is selling worse than mediocre selling EVs, much less hot sellers like the

Shocking that people aren’t wild about $60k (at 7% interest!) cars with limited, often-broken charging infrastructure and insane repair and maintenance costs.

After a relatively hot last couple of years, EV sales have cooled off. A lot of American buyers don’t want them