Mexican Blade Runner

“Don’t be absurd! We didn’t spend the last 40 years gerrymandering every state legislature and packing every courthouse we could get our hands on, just so some filthy voters could come along and undermine all our lovely power.”

“Unfortunately, this place is surrounded with constant grandstanding,” Justice said at a Monday news conference. “I think that’s what the Democrats are doing.”

Would you prefer “the muse behind M. Night Shymalan masterpieces The Village and Lady in the Water,” or “definitely not the worst part of Spider-Man 3, everyone’s favorite Spider-Man movie where Peter Parker inexplicably turns emo.

some lady who was fifth-billed in The Help?

Guys, can we stop pretending to be shocked when an MCU superstar and beloved TV actor gets paid more than some lady who was fifth-billed in The Help?

Sounds like you are just the person to join my class action lawsuit against the makers of “The Neverending Story”

We like this show but season 3 had an insufficient amount of both love and robots (plenty of death, though).

Yeah, it’s kind of the British approach — have a show tell its story, and then end. As opposed to the US approach — “this is popular, let’s continue it until the ratings drop enough to not renew it”.

It’s an anthology series so four seasons as fine but.... I disagree with this articles take on longing for a time when shows ran for many seasons.... uhhh what? You guys would rather watch shows become bad in late seasons then have it end in it’s peak.

Like I love love love that Kevin Can F*ck Himself is ending with

I am always curious why people automatically assume that if we put more money into public transportation, it means that we have to give up cars. Currently I own a daily driver and a fun car. If public transportation is truly made as good as it can be, I would probably still own a car - maybe the S2000 I currently

“Look, can we all just kinda admit that my personal preference is the objective truth, and ignore all the myriad ways in which the alternative is better for society and the planet?”

Look, can we all just kinda admit that public transport sucks?

That okay Jason, no one literally remembers you made that movie anyways

He didn’t go nose in to the dirt, and everyone lived, so yeah he probably did the right thing.

You’re supposed to yield when merging, asshole!

The Bear is a pretty great show I watched on Hulu earlier this week. The Letterkenny spinoff show Shoresy is also a fun show. 

Next you’re going to tell me that Marlon Brando wasn’t the studio’s first choice for Vito, Coppola wasn’t their first choice to direct, the studio didn’t want it to be a period piece, and the novel had a subplot about vaginoplasty! 

To be fair, what else would women be doing in a bakery?

The ninjas and pirates are too busy fighting each other.

I’m mostly asking, how the hell did it take so long to get the idea of just putting the Predator against badasses from different eras? Hopefully we’ll now get a whole bunch of movies with Predator vs. Vikings, knights, ninjas, pirates...