Mexican Blade Runner

Because our planet is the only one to have one precious and dangerous element:

The same people who carry a gun everyday and aren’t paid to do so. Can’t imagine letting fear run my life that much. 

I cannot imagine how small, ineffective, and scared a person must have to feel in their day to day life to buy something like that.

Can someone explain to me how this worked? Did they receive money from ERCOT? Did they just save money by not mining? Did they get a refund after pre-purchasing electricity at a set rate and then not using it? Did they purchase some kind of option to buy power previously and then sell it back to ERCOT at a profit?

A lot of East Asia is. Even Japan, which we associate with things that are to us “worse” than “normal porn” such as tentacle porn, actually evolved to avoid depicting penises for prudish reasons.

Eroticized herbs was a thing in the 1950's?

Intersectionality is a fickle mistress.

That’s not what my restraining order from the local Piggly Wiggly says.

Well, if I had more access to casual sex I probably wouldn’t need porn as much.

Even taking that into account, I really doubt that the sexual objectification of garlic rises to the status of “problem. Anywhere.

You do realize that’s like expecting the USDA to issue a statement on SAG’s policy on minors working in the entertainment industry, right?

South Korea’s a weirdly prudish place when it comes to any... uh... titillating media. Sexual mores are fairly relaxed in the sense that casual sex is pretty common and accepted, but porn is completely illegal (holdover laws from the dictatorship days, which no one seems in a hurry to repeal).

“Hey! You! An entire foreign country! Stop having problems of your own that I don’t care about! I demand that you focus entirely on the one problem of yours that I know about!”

I’m pretty sure K-pop is outside the mission scope of both the Korean Peasants League and the Korean Women Peasants Association, and as such no one would expect them to make that non-agricultural judgement call.

You know you fucked up when you get called out by from the Korean Peasants League AND the Korean Women Peasants Association.

In a statement from the Korean Peasants League and the Korean Women Peasants Association

But first they need the internet to lose it shit and start #ReleasetheBatgirl

Exactly. The same thing happens every time a media company gets bought up or a new head honcho takes charges. The successes have to be their successes.

To be fair, there is an enormous amount of dick waving going on in the Discovery take over of HBO Warner. Record amounts. Whole divisions of Warner are doing things on their own in random power grabs right now. Zaslav and the discovery management have to really slam some heads to get any kind of control.

According to Variety, whose sources I trust more than the New York Post, it wasn’t about the quality of the film but a continuation of Zaslov’s slash and burn reorganizing of the film and TV division. He wants all DC stuff to be huge theatrical releases, not mid-budget direct to HBO Max releases. Not only does not