Mexican Blade Runner

Because of Netflix’s insanely bad marketing I did not even know this existed, so thanks for the review! I think that’s gonna be our Friday family movie. 

Sir, this is the internet. You are going to have to take your reasonable and measured opinion somewhere else. 

I never understood the group consensus that Chris Pratt represents some specific Evangelical evil. It sounds like his church operates that way at an organizational level, but HE strikes me as a kind of “apolitical centrist” type: complacent with his privilege (which certainly sucks, to be fair), but not actively

I did the backpack thing through Europe in the 80s. I did the train from top to bottom, Italy. I’m of Italian heritage, as well. The Italians I encountered on the train was an assault on the senses. They were beyond loud, brash, rude and sexually aggressive. I planned on exploring the country, but I felt the need to

Hyundai and Kia are moping it up.

Not the only thing, no, but I think it became more real when I pictured Kong talking with Seth Rogan’s voice, since he can’t do any voice but his own.

He’s a born again perfectly happy to be attending his no-homo mega church while pumping out more kids with the obedient second wife who doesn’t do things like go to work. He’s being groomed to go into politics, so don’t waste your money on him now because your tax dollars will be in his pocket soon. 

Great so Donkey Kong is gonna sound exactly like Seth Rogan.

For a large segment of people, the line between “mocking a woman” and “mocking women” is blurry or nonexistent.

While I do fully condone calling out Boebert for being a hypocrite, but before this can really be taken seriously, the PAC in question should actually present some proof. At the moment it is fully leaning on just claiming that they are have seen the evidence, but it is questionable to publish such allegations without

I understand that she opened the door to this criticism given her personal beliefs but the number of cheap jokes made in these comments at sex workers’ expense is kind of sus coming from ‘suposed feminists’. 

I had a Aunt that used to run a boutique department store during the Beanie Baby boom thing. I was in College I think at the time.. Anyway, her store used to sell these things like they were being traded on the stock market. They had a big board up that listed the value of different ones, and would have lines out the

You know who else liked to hang out with prostitutes?  Jesus.  Why do you hate Jesus?

If he’s seriously reformed, I think he owes it to the country to be much more public about it. Explain his reasons and show that he understands why his previous positions were so awful. He wasn’t just some random conservative who saw the error of his ways, he was a white nationalist leader.

The technology is all the same and hasn’t advanced much in the last 30 years...

Outside of the existing core films, the Star Wars “universe” is pretty bland. Planets are based on the climates here on earth, plus molten. The technology is all the same and hasn’t advanced much in the last 30 years (likely because all the new installments are stuck in the past or around the original trilogy) so all

If you punch someone in the head with any kind of force, you *will* injure your hand, possibly badly. And if you manage to connect with any kind of force, it’s possible that they could wind up with brain damage or even die. It’s not worth it. If anything, learn to grapple/wrestle so you learn how to control an

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funny.. same thing happened on robinhood when gamestop stock jumped 3,000%.  Its almost as if the rich don’t want the poor to dig themselves out.

Seems they’re seeking a centralized, regulated outcome for a decentralized, deregulated system. No, not hypocritical at all.

they wanted a decentralized unregulated currency — they got what they wanted.