Mexican Blade Runner

Wait wait wait... If he’s just the school police chief with just 6 guys in his whole department, how was he the “de facto incident commander”? There were scores of police and LEOs from multiple departments there. Are they saying no one of a higher rank was there? I’ve only got Wikipedia to go by but it looks like a

The fucking chief of police didn’t know who was commanding the scene? And none of the other officers pointed out that maybe he should be calling the shots? How do these fuckers even get paid?

I stopped skiplagging post 9/11 when I noticed they were starting to get a lot more sensitive to the issue of who was on the plane and who wasn’t. The main concern there is of course someone checking a bag and NOT boarding the plane (thus skiplaggers who check bags through to their final destination risk an unpleasant

I’ve had a few S30s including one rusty enough that I swapped everything over to a clean shell. Even that car didn’t have rust on the TOP of the rockers, bottom sure, but not the top. I suspect that one is pretty far gone with that and the riveted floorpan... That said, it looks reasonably complete, you could probably

Of course, if none of those 1001 streamers are to your liking, all you can do is hope one of them dies, to be replaced by another. For there must be 1001 Twitch streamers, no more, no less. Such is the law of Twitch.

Must be nice to be able to toss away $6,000 on a whim like it was nothing. I for one would grumble with considerable annoyance at losing even $5.

Some people are making that argument. Not in a “Blizzard didn’t do anything wrong” way but rather in a “This is so bad most people won’t bother spending money so they better hope the whales are here long term because there won’t be any intermediate level spenders after the first few weeks”

We’ll see. It certainly has the potential for that, but Diablo 3's RMAH also had the potential for massive profits that... did not work out at all, because of how awful that system (and everything in support of it) made the core game.

Just from that linked clip he seems so obnoxious I’d almost enjoy if he lost everything on this…

If spending thousands doesn’t get you the best loot, does that make the game not pay-to-win?

rape-cannibal allegations against Hammer”.

At this point they probably should move up the release date to tomorrow just to get ahead of the monthly horror stories that come out about them. The longer they wait, the longer they will have a Flash movie staring Jim Jones!

Yep. Nothing wrong with they/them personal pronouns, but you can’t just treat it as if you’re find-replacing all the he/hims. I know high school writing guidelines forbid the over-repetition of proper nouns but in this case you need ignore your “bad writing” instincts.

I felt like it was more of a jab at Miller’s obvious mountain of mental instability and desire to present themselves as weirdly as possible.

In this case, “we” and “they” refers to Miller’s representatives (and a hat, for funsies!), not the pronoun he uses to identify himself.

In the above humorous scenario “they” was meant to mean “Ezra Miller’s representatives” and “we” was meant to be the royal we, nodding to Miller’s megalomaniacal weirdness.


I have a hunch that there’s ongoing meetings at the agency firm that represents him that are akin to the “What to we do with Howard Beale?” scene in Network.

Miller’s representatives couldn’t be reached because they are currently hiding at the bottom of a jug of whiskey.

why are the parents filing a protective order on behalf of an 18 year old?  isn’t that the age of majority?  Why didn’t they do it a few years ago?