Mexican Blade Runner

So a couple of writers made a couple good natured jokes about Ortega? What’s the big deal, it’s literally just a joke on a sign. They are hardly making her a scapegoat. This article and your comment are blowing this way out of proportion. Ortega’s comments about her show’s scripts were fine, and the couple of jokes

A review of a dinosaur movies and there’s no mention of how good (or not good) the dinosaur effects are? That’s the whole point of dinosaur movies: seeing cool looking dinosaurs do shit. No one gives a shit about the lead’s daughter back home. All I want to know is: Are the effects good? 

Yeah, I guess. Other than Driver have any of them gone on to better things? 

You left off Lena Dunham.

Same exact story with the (non-automotive) industry I work in.

On the one hand you have a point, but on the other hand, so what? It was a good movie, why not just enjoy it? Who cares if it’s aesthetic matched 1990s sci fi? 

If Apple offers zero interest over 2 years why would a sane person say no to that? 

If someone was really into organized crime or whatever, the last thing they would want to do is attract the attention of the police by doing something illegal to their license plate. People who obscure their license plates are probably more likely to be stupid kids or conspiracy nut adults.

I was going to say the same thing. Soderbergh figured out how to use her. That film reminded me of early Arnold films like Commando, Arnold couldn’t act but they figured out how to work around that. Whoever is directing these Daily Wire movies is no Soderbergh. 

It really doesn’t matter exactly what year he was born in. 

I have a copy too, last time I put it on, I said I was just going to watch the beginning sequence (because the opening sequence is mastefull filmmaking) but I ended up watching the whole thing. As an aside, I watched Angel Heart recently for the first time in decades and I notice like 3 scenes were lifted right out if


Because gladiator movies fucking rock. 

It’s hard to tell from the write up here, but it really seems like he was surprised by the positive reactions, not the negative ones. “...he was surprised by how much it meant to people to see Bailey’s Ariel for the first time.”

No one remembers Big Little Lies 2.

WHale sharks, the largest fish in the oceans, are gentle as lambs. 

I was thinking more about Driver standing on the planet and looking up and seeing the moon. Not so much the navigation computer. 

But the moon would look pretty similar. 

The stupidity and greed of the victims isn’t the issue here. Just because someone is stupid and greedy that doesn’t mean it’s legal or ethical to scam them. It also doesn’t mean that it’s ok to break rules regarding advertising and disclosure (the subject of this article.)

My parents bought a Chevy Cavalier right around 1980. It was terrible, the engine was just shit. The manual transmission seemed like it was fighting against being put into any gear. But it did run, they kept it for ten years and had no real problems with it. Which makes it better than the car they replaced it with: A