Mexican Blade Runner

And you’re wrong.

I mean, it really wasn’t that horny. 

My parents bought one of these new in ‘79. A couple weeks later my Mom and I were broken down on the side of the road. My Dad was so mad that a brand new car broke down that he vowed to never buy another foreign car and traded it in for a freaking Chevy Cavalier. So I learned how to drive on a manual Cavalier. That’s

Whatever Diesel. Cut this shit out and make another Riddick movie already. 

You could say that about any movie. 


Yeah, it was worth it.

Better than tax farmer. 

I worked for a government agency a while back. I ordered a $7.00 stapler from Amazon (Red Swingline) and sought reimbursement and the freaking finance guy came to my office and chewed me out for it. 

I almost bought one of these new but decided I was too old for a car like this. A few weeks later I met a guy in his 70s who had one and loved it and I felt stupid for not getting it. 15 years later I bought a new Si and I love it. 

I friend of mine was a chef for years and he ditched that and took a job at a marijuana dispensary a few months before COVID hit. He couldn’t believe how much better working at a dispensary was than being a chef. He was amazed by this thing called “paid sick leave.” He had trouble understanding that he was “actually

Why would that call have been recorded? 

Nice pull of a deep cut from Mad Magazine. 

But Porsche came up with new names for their SUVs. THey didn’t just call them 911s. 

We will ALWAYS need guitar players. You’ll be fine. 

At had a TSX during that time period and I loved it. But I would have loved it more if it was called an Integra (or something) instead of TSX. 

Of course it was.

But Pink Floyd in a Dune trailer makes sense for historical reasons. 

It’s an awesome nod to the fact Pink Floyd was slated to do the soundtrack to Dune when Jodorowsky‎ tried to make Dune back in the ‘70s. 

No, you look decidedly unepic and more like some generic YA fantasy movie crossed with a crappy DC franchise!