Mexican Blade Runner

Those poor gorillas.

These days when I bring women back to my place, they’re just impressed that I have books at all. 

I have no options for seeing the results.

Casinos are socially acceptable for the wealthy. How prudish do you think the wealthy are?

“Temporarily” right. 

Way to focus on what’s really important. 

They are pretty common in Arizona. 

His 15 minutes of fame didn't generate enough cash to keep paying his lawyers.

One of my rules: never, ever, under any circumstances write a manifesto. 

I was describing this movie to a friend and he was like “So it’s like Species?” I replied “Yeah, it’s Species, if Species was an art film.” 

Cloud Atlas was awesome. It was an absolute trip. 

I thought the motorcycle guy was her supervisor. That’s the other thing I liked about this movie: she was a working class alien monster. She wasn’t collecting those guys for her own purposes, she was working for someone else and her boss wasa real jerk.

Whatever. Get over yourself. 


The article states there are two years left on the warranty.

Fear is the mind killer.

Yeah, EVERY cut isn’t bad, just most of them. 

So Catholics and a few other Christian sects refer to priests as “Father.” But that’s not universal, George Lucas was raised Methodist. Methodist’s do not have a tradition of calling priests “Father.” Further, nothing else in the Star Wars universe would lead us to believe “Father” was or would be some kind of special

“Vader” is literally the Dutch word for “father.” Obi Wan’s story about Luke’s father would have been pointless without the big reveal in ESB. The concept of Chekhov’s gun applies to dialogue too sometimes. 

I believe BLS adjusts their numbers for qualitative changes in the products, so the car inflation data is a little misleading.