Mexican Blade Runner

That is a good point. Thank you, I feel better now. 

I do not understand people who don’t use sunshields. When it’s hot out they really increase the comfort of the car. Why would you not want that?

You make a good point, but on the other hand consider my history: I had an old Acura that needed like $2K worth of work (power steering and AC.) I figured $2K was a lot cheaper than a new car so I spent the money. Then not long after that the car gets totaled in an accident. I kind of felt like I had just “lost” that

Why do people like Succession? It's just a bunch of dudes yelling at each other. It's lame. And how did Killing Eve even get nominated? That show is ridiculously dumb.

Honda’s Civic Si is pretty close to the old RSX. 

That would be better then that dumb movie.

Why do you come to a website dedicated to pop culture and pop culture gossip if reading about that gets you worked up?

I have three questions:

“the high inventory is a “temporary side effect of the predictive analytics system”” Isn’t the whole point of predictive analytics is to prevent excess inventory (and other inventory problems)?  

I bought my girlfriend a Lexus. It’s 20 years old and has 200K on it but it still looks and runs great. She’s very happy with it. 

Don’t these people have servants to prepare their car for them before a drive?

Cardinal_Richelieu, noted cyber security expert. Just because some guy hundreds of years ago came up with a nice quote that doesn’t mean is relevant or true. 

Nope, I’m totally buying a used late model Lexus so I can steal lawnmowers more efficiently. 

I never cared about what kind of plane I was on. Until now. 

Sharon Tate is given 0 context? Steve McQueen tells us her whole life story.

All bangs are terrible.

We’ll find a bear for you then. 

That’s crazy. The film didn’t blame her death on anything. 

It made the whole movie more unsettling. Are we supposed to like this guy or not?  

That scene broke my heart.