Mexican Blade Runner

THose cool light up signs that sit on the dashboard. And the brand name. 

In 1979 (when I was 10) my parents traded in their 1969 Malibu for a Rabbit. Less than a week later my mom and I were stranded on the side of the road with a dead Rabbit. My dad swore to never buy another import and went and traded the Rabbit for a fucking Cavalier. That was a terrible car but it never broke down.

Never do anything only for tax reasons. 

That happened to my 05 TSX. 

Inequality is a problem sure but it can be exacerbated by population growth. And population growth creates it's own problems in addition to that. 

Primer is a fun little movie about greed. Don't be angry because it's not as smart as your master's thesis.

If it’s aplastic PB jar I give it to my dog when it’s done. He cleans it out pretty good and has fun doing it. 

I don’t really care about any comic book characters but if a movie with them in it entertains me for a couple hours that’s worth $10.  

Re ownership: I was cleaning out my garage this weekend and I found a box of old PC games that I “own.” I can’t play them on any computer I own though. 

The point of the article is that he doesn’t seem to understand the current situation. It really wasn’t criticizing his proposed solutions. 

Architecture criticism is a real thing. No reason it can’t get snarky like everything else now. 

I shopped for S2000 recently and this price was in line with what I saw people are asking. I passed.  

If your lifestyle was a problem for her she should have said so before the wedding. 

I never understood why they killed the Neon. People actually liked their Neons. 

My dog got into some edibles and was pretty high. I took him to the emergency vet and they told me there was nothing to worry about, it would just wear off. SO yeah, this “might cause death” statement is bull.

I'm going to kick tomorrow...

Goddamn it I never noticed this and now I can’t stop noticing it and it’s driving me nuts!

Ahh, Coke Zero still has it. I assumed, incorrectly, that Diet Coke and Coke Zero were more similar. 

Diet Coke is spiked with phenylalanine in order to make it more addictive. The impact phenylalanine in combination with caffeine has on your brain is different and more addictive than caffeine alone.

My sister bought one of those new back in the ‘80s. Total POS.