Mexican Blade Runner

Fake wood is one “feature” I have never understood. 

Serious question: What tech is so expensive? Electric motors were invented in 1837 so that tech has been around for a while. And Electric motors seem much simpler than ICE engines so shouldn’t they be cheaper to build?Brakes and suspension and body panels are just like on an ICE car. And an electric car doesn’t need a


I always wanted to date a girl who drove an Eclipse but never did. Maybe I should buy one out of a junkyard and have my wife drive it for a day or two so I can live out my old fantasy.

Thank you for not busting on me for misspelling “sense.” 

Canseco might be smarter. His Tweets make more since at least. 

But we don't know what price the buyer actually paid.

I’m really struggling to figure out how Google could ruin me. What info could they ruin me with?

Yeah, I don’t get the Google hate. Google provides me with several very useful services. In exchange I allow them to access fairly innocuous info about me. Why is that so bad? It really seems like a good deal from my perspective.

You could use a Bic lighter to start a forest fire, why go through the trouble of inventing some new high tech weapon to do it? I mean these people don’t even ask the first most basic questions about this stuff. Weird crap like this has been around forever, I remember email chains about all sorts of crazy stuff, and

It’ll buff out. 

All you have to do is say “What about....whatever stupid shit pops into your head.”

All I know is, ever since I learned about regen braking I feel like a sucker everytime I hit the brakes in my ICE car. 

Or one with 40k miles for the price of a Sentra. 


I agree. Watches are lame. And these days they are huge, like a can of tuna fish on your wrist. What happened to thin elegant watches? The only use I see for them is that they give watch dudes something to talk to each other about.

I recently bought a car for $2K (for my girlfriend’s kid) and the seller didn’t feel the need to lie to me at all.  

Weird obsessions with lame comics is not limited to the young apparently. 

How did the USFL inform its players when it shut down?  

This is why the internet is good.  People like you.