Mexican Blade Runner

Well it’s natural to bash what you actually have experience with while not mentioning things on the other side of the world that you know nothing about. 

I knew a cougar who bought a Z4 for around $40k back in the day.  Man she hated that car.  It literally spent more time in the shop than on the street.  

Yeah, I really really feel like they are burying the lead here.  Somewhere in the Seattle area there is a public water system whose water is contaminated with brain eating amoebas.  And no one cares about that?  Chlorination should fix that but obviously something isn’t working.  

Yep, no attorney is going to agree to an 80 month payment schedule.  

I was buying TP at CVS yesterday and the guy asks for my phone number. I was like I just want to buy TP, I don’t want to give you my phone number. He typed in someone else’s phone number so I could get the discount.  

“Humorless prig commenter makes mean spirited humorless post” Shocker.  

What I don't get is why shafting Colin would be something Audrey would want to forget. Wouldn't she relish that? Or was she ordered to wipe her memory?


What if I let my dogs eat/lick the greasy parts of the box before chucking it in the bin?

Yeah, the Mustangs from that era had the most boring front ends I’ve ever seen on a car (until the Model 3 came out.)  

The Screaming Chicken is the only decal package worth anything.  

“...what do we have down here worth all this effort...?”

You don’t need Netflix for that.  

I feel that your apology is............not genuine.  

FUCK JAMES BOND! Ibris should play his own spy. An original spy. Fuck James Bond. Like what, 4% of James Bond movies were OK? Let that crap franchise die. Please let it die.

Oh, so when a black guy is up for the role all of a sudden we start bringing up how old all the James Bonds are.  Nobody complained when old ass white guys were James Bond. 

Oh yeah, so right when a black man might get cast we start talking about logic and realism in a James Bond movie.

Yeah, wes calls em Space Asians. 

Mexican Lord of the Rings sounds intriguing. 

I was going to ask if they show is worth watching.  You answered my question.