Darryl 'killboy' Cannon

This person didn’t like it, even though his comment said he didn’t see it. So that must mean that it bombed. Duh......

It made 3x its budget at the US box office alone, quite confident it did not bomb.

Yes, I’m sure all those time attack cars and competition vehicles that tear out the firewall to move the engine back 6 inches towards the center of the car do it strictly for aesthetics. No performance gain whatsoever... [/sarcasm]

show me on the beef where he touched you with the chalkboard.

Republicans shouldn’t be allowed to vote after this.

I sure didn’t. A lot of us didn’t. In fact the majority didn’t, and illegal meddling played a role.

And they’ll continue to do so since people hate Congress but love their representative. Even in light of a massive kick to the nuts ovaries (lol I forgot the ladyfolk don’t need healthcare) like this.

Most of us didn’t.

I’d offer some platitudes about how the majority of us did not, in fact, vote for the Crook in Chief but that doesn’t even hold a lot of weight anymore. We’re completely fucked, the lot of us. I hope France’s shindig goes right, but I’m not holding out much hope.

How is that shocking. I mean Google owns Chrome. Its like asking “Why does theMicrosoft thing only work with Internet Explorer?”

Are you kidding me right now? Please say you still use Netscape...

Yes, Google Earth is designed to work with... Google Chrome. caught that it was GOOGLE earth.....right?

You’re right.

The emperor has always been a naked, flabby fraud. This know-nothing billionaire that was handed a fortune by his daddy and proceeded to grow his money by failing his way upward.

Republican Insurance Plan (RIP)

Hey look, another weak-sauce “cautionary tale.”

Watch A Lunatic Tackle The Tail Of The Dragon In A Stretch Limousine

Yea, crossing the double yellow at the tail of the dragon (or anywhere really) is always a big no-no, no matter how “incredibly careful” you are about it. I only watched a minute or so of this and the limo driver seemed to drift into the oncoming lane because they could, not because the of the length of the vehicle.

Eh. I pulled a 24' camping trailer over the Beartooth Highway on the way from Montana to Yellowstone. Incredibly tight switchbacks in spots and it peaks at almost 11,000'. That was far more challenging than this schmuck’s limo, and I did a much better job staying in the lines.