1/10 troll
1/10 troll
Yeah, marketing aside the Souls games aren’t all that difficult. They don’t hold your hand and the only means of guiding the player is level design instead of minimaps and compasses, but they’re largely forgiving with checkpoints, infinite lives, and the ability to power up and use items. I love them to pieces but…
GNG was designed to eat quarters, there’s a rhythm to when red arremers show up that often is put in a spot to force a death if you aren’t perfectly sure where he’s going to be at so you end up feeding the game more money. Likewise not being able to control your jumps mid-air unlike Mario Bros is a conscious design…
Yeah I think demon’s/dark souls get their rep simply because they reward patience which is quite rare for modern games.
Japanese culture is just different, for better or worse. I remember when a 747 operated by Japan Airlines (JAL) crashed due to improper maintenance 7 years prior. The technician from Boeing who preformed the job killed himself, the maintenance supervisor also committed suicide shortly thereafter. The CEO stepped down.
Except that wasn’t some benevolent move to help his workers. He did that to save his own job because he ran Nintendo into the ground with his mismanagement. Still, Nintendo expected to come back from that because they had their first party games being made.
Remember when Iwata didn’t take a cut to his stock compensations which eclipsed his base salary...
Some people see greed as something to be ashamed of, others embrace it, what can you do? I’m glad you reminded me he did that though Its nice to remember not everyone is shady
Remember when Iwata (and the rest of the board) took a 50% cut to his $770.000 salary because Nintendo wasn’t doing as well as expected?.
A shame that the Activision CEO only makes like $30 million and can’t afford it
Always feels good and normal when you fire a bunch of employees right after giving your new CFO a $15m signing bonus.
Hopefully this is a lesson for the smaller game makers. Don’t get swallowed up by the big dog just because its the easy way out.
It’ll kill your soul and destroy your dreams.
The nonsense is only spread by americans. Other people either don’t give a shit or are happy to see you are wearing things of their culture. If you wore a shalwar kameez to Pakistan no one is going to be mad; they’ll be quite happy actually.
Oh my fucking god. So getting Japanese characters tattoo’d on you is now cultural appropriation?
Get the fuck out of here.
Look, we’ve all laughed at those people who got a Chinese character tattoo that thought it meant “spirit” or something, but it instead meant “soup”. But thats about the extent of it. The person…
I mean is it really our job to be outraged for the citizens of Japan when they seem to feel no outrage at this situation?
So what is Cultural Appropriation, really?
“you don’t need to tweak your video settings”
Right.. Marvel Spiderman, God of War would like to have a word with you. Stop living under a rock, and stop being an ignorant fool.
Xbox One also has 0% of timesplitters backward compatible and therefore is the lesser console
Quit posting things like this kotaku!!! every time someone remakes a old nintendo game in some way and you announce it, Nintendo rushes in with the C&D slap!