
Oh shit. He figured us out. 

There are millions of people playing the game all the time!!!! Tons of people love it!!! All the reviews and negative opinions are just Fake News by people who haven’t played the game. 

Surely this will save the game.

Yep. A generic Destiny in third person. Just what we all asked for...

Please do. It’s the best chance of seeing Dragon Age 4.  Sigh.

Totally agree with everything you said.  Just in case anyone was wondering...    ;)

The main issues the game has judging by this review come from a willingness to let the game break away from its predecessor’s identity which is the right move, imo.
I don’t want this game to give me tank controls, pre-rendered backgrounds or shifting camera angles. For anyone who does...there’s always the original, you

your argument would be sound if this was a remaster but a full on remake is much different and this game is not even out yet. 

Seems that people who aren’t purists about the original absolutely love the remake, which is good news to me because I never played it. I also just really like remakes that boldly change up the formula, so there’s that.

You should play Catherine

Tank controls enhanced nothing. They were a dumb idea that I was glad we got rid of. Silent Hill 2 terrified me plenty and that was the first game I can think of that gave you the choice between normal person not-stupid controls and tank controls. Not a single thing was lost by not playing it the awful way.

I absolutely LOVE RE2 and 4, this looks like if you took both of them and combined them! I don’t know how popular or unpopular this opinion is, but it is EXACTLY what I was looking for in this remake. Can’t wait for RE3 to finally get something :D

RE2 is one of my favorite games ever. I played it so many times, I had the controls mastered to the point where it was hard to adapt when RE4 came out. I’ll definitely play this remake, and I’m glad to hear Tyrant is back, although he would only come out in the original if you played the side B story with either Leon

Camera angles in a movie and camera angles in a game are fundamentally different. While it’s interesting to hide information from a viewer, the viewer doesn’t have to navigate or fight in three dimensional space. It’s also obnoxious to have a zombie walking in a straight hallway towards the player who is looking in

I’m not saying they don’t explain it, I’m just saying I don’t buy the explanation lol.

The Spencer estate was insane because the owner was a puzzle nut who got off on strange ideas like that. And the Raccoon City Police Department was likewise confusing because the Chief had an expensive update to the security installed because he thought of himself as a 007 type. Also, he was being paid off by Umbrella

That is my number 1 least favorite thing about the series, at least for a majority of the titles. The keys are visually interesting but completely illogical. If you have a secret science facility that clearly had a large or at least decently sized staff at one point, why would every key be some one of a kind medallion

SO fucking in. Can’t wait.

What amazes me is how many of these maps included toilets.

I love looking at houses in JRPGs. Some of the best personality in games comes from how the designers chose to populate the common NPC’s homes. My favorite house is the main character’s in Legend of Mana. It seems so warm and comfy (it also has a rather nice bed in a bednook).