I remember more about your horse’s bowel issues than most of the last year. That’s probably on me but yeah.
I remember more about your horse’s bowel issues than most of the last year. That’s probably on me but yeah.
It is to me.
This didn’t make the cut.
This timeline is awesome but I think you should’ve included your horse’s bowel problems.
Samurai Shodown is out on Tuesday, not Thursday. It’s also not out on Switch and PC until this fall.
I was SUPER hyped when Mario Maker 2 was announced, but with each subsequent announcement, my hype has died a little bit more each time. I have a feeling I won’t be playing this one as much as Mario Maker 1. Definitely not making as many levels.
On the Vita, easily Persona 4: Golden. Every time I try to play anything else, I just go back to that game, I love it so much.
Punishment enough? Being as he filmed himself commiting a crime, I’d say not having the cops involved means he’s getting off incredibly easily.
I stopped after clearing half the map. I had around 55 temples done and was inside the third beast when I just got bored.
I understand why people had such a big “WOW” to this game, it has a lot to offer and exploring it is fun, but for a while only, it gets pretty boring to me after some time. It feels like we do the…
I also left it unfinished, after defeating all the guardians or whatever. The game just seemed a little too aimless for me, and it very firmly hit on the “Map covered in things to complete” Ubisoft model, albeit in a more abstract sort of way.
I left it unfinished because I hated the weapon breaking mechanic.
And actually that’s a good point. Talking about consent of THINGS lessens the meaning of consent and cheapens the real issues with it for ACTUAL LIVING CREATURES. This is literally what-about-ism.
“What does it mean for a game to let you consent?”
I buy the game. Consent applies to actual living things, not fictional things or objects. I do not ask my toilet if I can poop in it. I do not ask a book if I can read it. Your question is clickbait. And before anyone says anything, yes, I read the article. My…
THAT is a Tales screenshot? fuck me, Please be good like Beseria/Vesperia
It’s not like he was poor before HBO gave him more money than he will spend in his life.
Ouch for Namco Bandai.
I'm just impressed that the term "content creator" was used in 2006. Truly ahead of their time.
That burnt all the way to 2019, let me get the aloe.
120k really isn’t much to make a video game with if you’re paying employees. That’s a staff of four, maybe five if you’re paying peanuts for one year.