this is what people think all conservatives are now, and we are not.
this is what people think all conservatives are now, and we are not.
Even if it isn’t impeachment Pelosi has to do something more than they’re doing now.
There are a couple of this gas the House should be doing that they aren’t. First, they should have opened an impeachment hearing the moment the Mueller report was released. I disagree that impeachment without removal is functionally no better than a slap on the wrist. If it was then none of the Dem candidates for…
Edit: I guess I should have checked to see how many times this exact same thing got posted before I got here...
It wouldn’t surprise me in the least.
At this point I wonder which Fox employess haven’t sexually harassed anyone.
Controlling just the House is more than enough to make things much more difficult for Trump than they are.
If only Democrats controlled a branch of the government that has a constitutionally mandated duty to keep the POTUS in check...
They all want power, but yeah. And its not just Pelosi. Its Democratic leadership as a whole.
Mitch McConnell understands power. Nancy Pelosi does not. If she did the House would be so far up Trump’s asshole with an impeachment inquiry they’d be subpoenaing his massive prostate.
That comes after the White House said on July 2 that “something came up” which forced Pence to cancel on a scheduled event in New Hampshire. (The White House added that there was “no cause for concern.”).
Fox Corporation still owns all of their local tv stations, Fox Broadcasting and the national version of Fox Sports in addition to Fox News. This really makes me wonder what it will take for racist trash like Tucker, Ingram, Dobbs and Hannity to start damaging their other properties. Does one of them really have to…
Its saying that because 17 million workers would get a raise of X dollars to put them at $15 then 10 million workers who are at $15 would get the same raise. Basically estimating that many businesses will give an across the board raise to all employees because the ones that were making $15 should be getting paid more…
This. I don’t understand why any serious candidate would waste time on this guy. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was forgotten about in a couple of weeks.
To that point, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren—the two candidates in the race who have a fundamental critique of contemporary capitalism—should immediately and aggressively use Steyer’s candidacy to make a point.
She’s going to really start to shine once the field starts to whittle down.
But, we also know that even if she won, many of these ideas could never be implemented until at least January of 2023.
It’s definitely a lack of awareness combined with a lack of understanding for how easily a car could kill someone. I’m not sure if even better training can fix that.
Wait...its the cyclist community’s fault that the drivers on multiple occasions almost hit me because they either weren’t paying attention or did something extremely reckless? The community’s fault? Really?