
and a photo showed Franken grabbing a fellow USO performer’s breasts.

Yeah...and they’ll look more weak and ineffective if they don’t impeach.

God I hope so. Trying to walk a tight rope of Trump obstructed justice and not impeaching is unsustainable. It will end up making Democrats look weak and ineffective.


“He wants to be impeached,”

The longer Pelosi drags this out the weaker the Democrats are going to look.

Impeachment is the only way out if this mess.

The longer she attempts to ride this line the worse its going to get for Dems. Its unsustainable, but like most in Washington they’ve lived inside the DC bubble for so long they’ve lost touch with reality.

I never said anything about willing.  At the current pace of escalation when it comes to defying subpoenas, and as more and more powerful congressional dems start to endorse the idea, she isn’t going to have a choice.

To have paperwork you need investigations. They couldn’t start any of that until they took control of the House. After they took the house they did start the process, but then an already completed Mueller report fell into their lap at which time they should have started the impeachment process.

He has been openly and loudly calling for the obstruction of justice the entire time. Plenty of other examples.

You can’t base an impeachment on a news story.  You can use it to start an investigation, but you can’t just hold up a copy of the WAPO and say we’re impeaching.  You have to have a congressional investigation into first in order to legitimize the hearing.

Except they had to. They didn’t have any other investigatory groundwork laid out to base an impeachment on because they hadn’t had a chance to do anything yet. Nixon and Clinton were both thoroughly investigated before impeachment began with them.

I do think you needed to have the Mueller report first only to set yourself up with a solid starting point.

They should have opened impeachment hearings the second they got the Mueller report, but there is no way Pelosi can hold back the political pressure of doing this until 2020.

I’m rooting for the norovirus.

“It would allow the government to force its rigid and unyielding fist inside the church,” Rep. Ross Spano told Buzzfeed.

So this plan of her’s to reduce the carbon footprint of our largest consumer of fossil fuels by investing in technology that could eventually be used to reduce carbon consumption outside of the military is bad because it doesn’t address American imperialism? You should change your name to Hot Straw Man.

Her plan for reducing the carbon consumption of the military isn’t about her?

I just don’t think we should disregard (or describe as “bizarre”) a plan to decrease the carbon consumption of tour biggest fossil fuel consumer for that sole reason that a candidate might be more hawkish than some would like.