No need to worry about debt if it’s free or pretty damn close to it.
No need to worry about debt if it’s free or pretty damn close to it.
Its not a matter of how safe their seats would be. Its a matter of efficacy as a public servant. Bernie or Warren can do more to advance the progressive cause in the Senate than they could as VP.
Good policy makes good government.
She is the most impressive candidate so far. I would love to see her debate Trump.
More than enough to immediately start the impeachment process.
You Can’t Support Press Freedom Without Supporting Julian Assange.
So if someone else can free-load off of their union, how can I prevent the company I work for from spending money on political activities that they made from my service to my employer?
And so a Republican politician salivating over CEOs and then asking them, during a congressional hearing, very politely to denounce an alternative in which unelected heads of banks hold all of the levers of the U.S. economy is...well, the best possible advertisement for socialism you could ask for.
You should be embarrassed by this take.
He’s not blaming society’s ills on a class of people. He is blaming society’s ills on the system that allows for that class of people to exist at the expense of everyone else.
Seems like there’s a lesson to be learned here about candidate recruitment, but I just can’t put my finger on what that might be.
You are assuming that you can retroactively apply a removal of the Senate to just one specific period without any further context.
I didn’t make any leaps...
Under exactly are you blaming the Senate for? They didn’t gerrymander a republican controlled house since 2010. They didn’t decide Citizens United. They didn’t put a racist moron in the White House.
It really isn’t. Trump would have been in office signing every bill coming out of Paul Ryan’s House, and Dems would have not been able to stop any of it.
Campaign finance reform, lobbying reform, better conflict of interest laws, or even turning over Citizens United would be FAR easier than a constitutional amendment either curtailing the power of the senate or eliminating it entirely.
Without the Senate the ACA would have been repealed, the corporate tax giveaway would have been infinitely worse, and the wall would be half done among other incredibly awful things.
You’d still be playing with fire though. Without a Senate as is the ACA would have been repealed, and any number of batshit crazy things Trump wanted to do but couldn’t would have happened in his first two years.
A better argument to be making right now, and one that will be much more important in thirty years, is to get the House to a point where it represents everyone equally by tying the size and number of congressional districts to the least populous state.
Politics is a pendulum. Even if its swinging left now it will inevitably swing back to the right at some point. Be careful what you wish for.