
No its not.

My point is that both a 0% estate tax and a 100% estate tax is absurd.

That’s my point though...what’s it matter if the top marginal rate is 70% if no one actually makes enough to hit that rate?  I agree though...the code needs to change so that either wealth itself is taxed or capital gains are treated the same as earned income.

Businesses aren’t alive yet they conduct transactions every day. When you die you aren’t actually conducting the transaction...your estate is. Estates can’t be dead.

I find it offensive that the government could expect more of my compensation than I get.

No there really isn’t a difference. Its nothing more than a transaction from one entity to another. Plus, if you lose your property rights at the moment of death then what happens to the business you own? The government can’t run it. They’d have to sell it. What happens to those employees once the business is bought

Kinda hard to pass on $23 let alone $23 million when HamNo’s suggestion is that you’d get either a $23 or $23 million tax bill for it.

It’s not pointless semantics. What’s the difference between me signing over my estate from my hospital bed and a lawyer distributing it according to my will the next day after I’m dead?

Dead people don’t dictate what they do with their wealth. Living people dictate what they do with their wealth after they die before they actually die. If I can choose to gift someone money when I’m alive I should be able to do it after I pass. To tax that at 100% takes that choice away from me. That being said,

Both arguments are absurd.

Man who wants to be POTUS refuses to tell voters what he would do if he was elected President.

I’m not sure what’s more scary...the suggestion that public schools should have bible studies, or that people actually think this is a genuine concern of his.

Everyone should be very afraid of a third party candidate. Stein got more votes than the difference between Clinton and Trump in WI, MI, and PA. In other words Stein and her voters are just as responsible for Trump and Trump voters. If you want Trump to win in 2020 then vote third party.

So he’s basically a republican calling himself an independent as a campaign slogan because he knows it will get him some press (and some votes from people who don’t take their vote seriously).

So in other words you’d vote for any con-artist who decides to call themselves an “independent” as a meaningless campaign slogan, you don’t take your vote seriously, and you’d love to see another four years of Trump. Got it.

The uncouth cads.

Beginning of the lets celebrate with some Airplane! gifs...