
How can congress ever represent the will of the majority when the majority can’t or won’t vote?

I’m not sure how you would argue for the Senate and against the electoral college,

The last two Republican presidents lost the popular vote for their first term and ascended to the presidency anyway.

Trump wouldn’t president if there wasn’t a senate how exactly?

And Trump and the GOP would have repealed it just like the ACA. The Senate itself isn’t the problem. The problem is the lack of a filibuster, Citizen’s United, gerrymandering, people who aren’t voting, cable news, twitter, the Federalist Society, the NRA, and any number of other things that have contributed to the

The thing is the Senate has actually tempered those backwards policies of a deplorable minority of voters.  Without it Trump would have had the ACA repealed on day one.

Without the Senate the ACA would have been repealed the second Trump got into office, the Trump tax scam would be 100 times worse than it ended up being, the wall would be half built, and any other number of awful House bills would be law.

No. I’m referring to his testimony regarding Judge Pryor, Memogate, Warrantless wiretaps, and Roe.  You can throw in lying about not watching Ford’s testimony as well.

My bad...the look like cooling towers.

Ummm nuclear cooling towers don’t emit carbon.

The best possible outcome I can see is the democrats re-take the House and Senate, investigate everything Kavanaugh, prove he lied under oath (or at least show it was very likely he did) and hope that Kavanaugh resigns under pressure from the threat of an impeachment proceeding.

Counterpoint: Voting only works when you vote.

When the house is burning down you don’t worry about the crack in the foundation. You put the fire out and then figure out the rest. The fight for a better democratic candidate in 2016 was lost the day HRC got the nom. From that point forward the reality wasn’t going to to change. You can wonder should it be until p

I’m not complicit in anything.  I voted in the general election for the only candidate who could have beaten Trump.  My conscience is clear.

If those Stein voters had voted for Clinton in WI, MI, and PA she would have carried hose states and won the election. 1% of the electorate is actually a lot when you think about it.

Absolutely not. Let the libertarians split the right on the vote. Jill Stein can run if she wants, but any liberal who votes for that anti vax crackpot or any other third party candidate shares just as much blame for Kavanaugh, Gorsich and Trump as a Trump voter.

Again, no one is saying that the party isn’t to blame either, but they weren’t the ones in the voting booth. Those working class white voters who bailed on Clinton and voted stein or didn’t vote are just as responsible for Trump as Trump voters, and they need to understand that in 2020.

THen you should look more closely at this thread and any number of others. And for the millionth time no one is saying this also is t on HRC, but she wasn’t the one in the voting booth in Wi, IL, Mi, and Pa who voted for an anti bad crackpot because HIlary wasn’t liberal enough.

No shit.  If all the idiots who voted for Stein in Wi, Mi, and PA had voted for Clinton she would have won the electoral college.