
“You look like the type of girl that takes a long time ro get ready”

I feel that the biggest component missing from the national media narrative of our city is that we actually have a very strong sense of community and great pride in Baltimore. We also have a lot of prominent black leaders calling for calm and unity. The attitude here is not hostile. Residents here just want

This is my city. This is my neighborhood. Here is what people aren’t talking about.

I was 10, very early bloomer. I was at a 4th of july fireworks show in the neighborhood. A dude in his 20’s saw me looking for a seat on the bleachers and said “looking for a clean place to sit? My face is clean. Think about it”

15 year old me would be impressed/horrified. I’m a professional dominatrix with an otherwise super boring life at home with my kid and cats.

I absolutely hate the kardashiface trend. it takes a lot of knowledge of facial geometry and color matching to do it well and even professional MUAs fuck it up... As evidenced by the last makeover in particular. Her face looks way darker than her neck because the MUA chose the wrong color to contour her face. Good

former sephora mua here! Nars copacabana highlighter is great for fairer skin and is shimmery but not at all glittery looking

Because the grass is always greener lol. I will admit needing to fill in my brows dark every day is a pain but I really love my fake dark hair

this is very close to my natural color, therefore I of course dye my hair dark brown :)

Pick blackheads.

I mostly redirect my 3 year old. Take away/get him to stop whatever bad thing he's doing and then make him apologize. The punishment usually fits the crime. Drawing on the walls=no art suplies for the day. Throwing a tantrum over cartoons=no more screen time that day. When he does something dangerous like trying to

just going to take a moment to pat myself on the back.

something very similar happened between my mother and I when I was a teenager.

as someone who was arrested and plead guilty for stealing tampons and a bra from target as a homeless 18 year old I say fuck yes to this being a thing.