
Somebody should definitely  go to Hell for this abortion.

80% of what Catholics call a sin is actually good though. Unfortunately this is that last 20%.

There’s a guy around me with an NA Miata in BRG with pop riveted flared fenders with bronze rivets and 15" bronze rims that match. It looks awesome. But, yeah, as a trend its pretty awful. And this is terrible.

Early returns don’t look good. Maybe after the mail-in ballots are counted…

Pop rivetted fender flares is a look that needs to die.  Like yesterday.

Either that, or the bed grows longer if you rub the sides.

Lincoln Fleshwood

Let’s not forget whatever is brewing under the bedliner.

This is the biggest ND vehicle ever.

The “skin” color on this truck isn’t helping sell it at all.  No Dice because a newer F150 will run better and look wayyyy better.  Guess I’m hitting the back button. 

I’m pretty sure this is the most delusional seller in the history of NPOND. If I wanted a 15 year old pickup, I’d buy an F-150 for $10k. If I wanted it supercharged (and I don’t), I’d buy an F-150 for $10k and add a supercharger.

I knew this was a no dice from the title and price alone. The amazing thing about this truck is that the more you learn about it, the worse it gets. Rock peppering on the front? Check. Prior owner blew up the original engine? Check. High mileage? Yes sir!

For $33,000 you could be the next person to drop a new engine in it!

Wow, what a testament to the enduring value of Ford products when properly maintained. This truck originally came with delusions of grandeur, and now 15 years & many buckets of money later, this guy still has ‘em!

Crack pipe

I like Viggens, but to consider spending this money, it’d need to be stock and not have spent its life in the northeast. I don’t want your stage 4 tune, and the wheels look too big for it.

Sure is ugly... but a nice detail and one of the following mods and it’ll be fun: 1) artwork delete mod, 2) pain job, 3) wrapping it.

Everything says “run” with this vehicle, including the price.

Good catch on the plate and (lack of) tags. I thought the price was high but not super crazy for a lower production car with a dedicated following, but the owner spending their registration money on donks makes it radioactive to me. 

A prime example of what you get when you put lipstick on a roach.