CP - Pricey. You spent all that money to customize this hot rod truck and you put a merkin on the dash?
NP, watta beauty! It even has a vented driver’s seat fro those trips from Taco Bell!
Awesome, even more authentic!
NP all the way! Well preserved longroof with LEATHER BENCH SEATs! Oh yeah, load up the woody and hop in kids, we’re going to the beach!
This has to be the ugliest Buick produced in the last 25 years.
Well if you think it’s beautiful, go for it. I personally recommend something a little easier on the eyes. This car is fugly.
I love the 3.8 V6 I had 2 LeSabres and an Olds Intrigue. It’s not about class, it is about this being a genuine Old Fart car. Nobody should pay $5k to ride around in something that friggen ugly, especially when there are hundreds of cars in that price range that don’t look like you’re wearing Depends.
CP a car with this provenance is worth at best $2k. It takes a lotta guts to ride around in one of these, no matter what is hiding under the hood.
“ The question of the moment, however, is whether or not this one is worth that $5,900 asking.”
CP - lemme see now, you want THAT MUCH for a PUKE GREEN, incomplete project that has no a/c and no speedo? Makes me wonder why you stopped at this particular moment in time. NFW!
I was thinking rancher, game warden, geologist, surveyor and others along those lines.
NP - If someone is in an occupation that actually requires such a vehicle, then this is a beaut. If you plan to drive it around town to get attention, then no, you’re an asshole.
CP to infinity and beyond ! That rear plate tilted like a sad puppy, along with the misinformation about the car’s provenance tells me all I need to know. Stay Away!
Thank you for keeping Tracy out of this one!
They offered V8s in earlier years that had the Buick 215 aluminum block unit, in 63 they offered a 326 iron block. Thankfully, not many buyers opted for those. In 1964, moving the tranny up to the engine compartment, DeLorean got his dream fulfilled with the GTO and the 389 V8 option.