
Reality Bites doesn't bother me as much as it does most folks—though, for whatever reason, Stiller has struck me as the least representative Gen-Xer in mainstream Hollywood, which I don't mean as a compliment—but even then I always thought Hawke and Stiller's respective characters were both poor options for Ryder's.

I was a Tower Records clerk—NYC—during the time depicted in Empire and years later, when I heard it was based on the experiences of a colleague, I was reminded of the CPR song "Morrison", its chorus a rebuke of the cult of The Doors' frontman and Oliver Stone's celluloid depiction: "I've seen that movie/and it wasn't

Good stuff.

Oh, I dunno…The Melvins put out 3 really good records while on Atlantic, got a lot more exposure—which comes in handy now—and probably got to keep most of their advance. I suspect they weren't alone in this regard.


"Could you argue that this film, having a part-Asian/part-Hawaain main character in it is a step-forward compared to The Descendents and Adam Sandler Movies of the world?"


Not being facetious but asking honestly, did Clooney's The Descendents get this much grief about casting non-Hawaiians? 'Cause I don't recall anyone who resembles a native Hawaiian having a speaking part in that flick.

I'm hoping for a West Wing movie with Sam vying for the presidency as Bartlett once said he would.

Can't believe I missed this…

Yeah, except that folks will GLADLY fork over $100+ for a show, without guarantee that sound will be tight, sightlines will be reasonable or that the artist will be “on” that night. Yet a $10 musical document that will always be the same in terms of quality and performance? Nope, don’t wanna pay for that. It's as if

Let's assume you're not being snarky…
I am not asking them about it and by their responses I can tell they are being truthful or going to too much trouble to lie, which I really doubt. Regardless, there are plenty of folks who listen to music they like w/o paying for it via streaming. Bandcamp is actually set up that

"People stream things they'd never pay for."
As an artist I'm regularly told by certain folks how much they enjoy streaming (for free) my music. So, they like it a lot, so much so that they listen to it on a regular basis but won't pay for it? Why? Simple: because they can. (And I'm not flattered by it. And my landlord

"And also… do we tell Steven Spielberg we don’t need to pay him anymore to watch his movies? He’s made enough off of us right? He should show his new films for free right?"

He's 11 years older than his father was when he was shot and killed.

Eddie Trunk—if he's even aware of the AV Club, that is—will likely try to enlist Will Harris in his crusade to have UFO inducted into the RRHoF, heh heh.

Why is it that now, when music is more readily available than at any other time in history, it is necessary to dig for good stuff? Shouldn't it be ubiquitous?

Of the last 5 complete decades of popular music ('60s, '70s, '80s, '90s, '00s), which would you say was the most disappointing?

Every album recorded by Yes in the last 20+ years can be described in the exact same manner.

Photograph Smile is pretty cool.