
"Semisonic could have ended up riding the one-hit wonder bench with acts like Spin Doctors."

"We've become too politically correct."
"We should be able to call people c*nt, f*g, g**k, k*ke, n*gg*r, sp*c, etc. without consequence."

The McDonald's bit is one of the greatest in the history of standup, most especially the Ronald McDonald part. Glorious.

The awesome thing about the Hot Pocket bit is that he updates it every so often—it's like the big song you expect the band to play—and it's STILL funny. Damn.

I didn't know she was on 'Master of None' and I saw it and enjoyed it.

It is so unfortunate that Noël Wells signed up for a DIY, seat-of-its-pants endeavor only to find out it was an establishment, comedy dinosaur, thus leaving her no choice but to quit.

Great job!

I'm fascinated by people who say they're not big on music. I guess it's because my brain processes it as "I'm not really into oxygen" or "I'm not into food".

Trust Me but not Free Enterprise, really?

I was in general agreement until the last 2 paragraphs and the appearance of Chuck M. Young's woefully off assessment of the mighty VH. Too bad.

Also, people noticeably in their 30s playing teenagers? C'mon!

“…some men just want to watch the world burn” is very relevant these days.

They may have shared the same setting (a TV comedy show) but 'Sanders' was satire; 'Studio 60' was drama.

I like to think I'm addressing different aspects but if I'm not then it further proves how Rabin repeated himself incessantly in this piece.

Anti-climatic to say the least. A predictable and disappointing ending to an almost perfect season [sigh].

Dude is the new Albini. And that is NOT a compliment.

This edition of HateSong was lamer than "Under the Bridge".

Wasn't the e-vite to Brian's heart also a Harris Wittels thing?

Macca also kept the band together after the death of Brian Epstein. Otherwise, no White Album, no Abbey Road.

There's a very clear difference between the randomness of being unexpectedly raped by a stranger in an otherwise seemingly non-dangerous situation and hanging with a bunch of acknowledged lowlifes who are not above sexually assaulting someone.