
I think it’s important to be cognizant of why we find behavior from certain men “funny” and “non- threatening” and other men “scary” and “sexual harassment.”

Amen. Like, I did my time in the Office (US) fandom... I’m already in too deep, so let me be the nosy creep I was born to be.

This is great news. I’ve been dying for more specific details about this relationship for years, and I will gladly pay money to hear more about it because I’m a nosy bitch.

If your rugby friends are anything like my friends I’m sure the stampede toward the bar was also something to behold.

Honestly, I think there is a double-standard at play because he is a seemingly very nice, goofy, cute guy that Jez Nation thinks is adorable. Hell, I think he’s adorable! But he has repeatedly stripped down from high school to adult workplaces after being told repeatedly to refrain from doing so because 1) it makes

ok wait, circumstances make all the difference! Naked bodies aren’t inherently creepy - it’s the behavior that’s creepy.

Having a different viewpoint than you does not make me incapable of nuanced thought, but thanks.

WHOA. And now I’m insecure that I’m not as funny as I think I am.

I had a work friend that was obsessed with her supposed lack of chin. Obsessed! I never noticed. She finally had surgery to give herself a more pronounced look. I could not tell the difference.

Having a bunch of rugby playing ladies in attendance would have been the only way I would have done a bouquet toss at my wedding.

Apparently I’m a man then, I find penises generally hilarious and will laugh at farts until the day I die.


And the second:

And rape victims are not FORCED to have abortions, for fuck’s sake. You could have literally any other people conceived after Roe up there and it would be the same point.

“But if we let women have abortions, people like me wouldn’t exist!”


Abortion: It really brings out your inner child.

They’re basically the Food Babe of the environmental organization world. Click bait and shiny press releases to lure people in, just enough science to sound legitimate.

I thought we all knew that the EWG is utter bullshit and its methodology is also bullshit.