

Now I’m just picturing Kim Gordon saying “an asshole” and the interview nodding and transcribing “a lost soul.”

I am laughing (and loving) that your daughter basically did a “protest wean” when she realized nursing was a tool of Big Bedtime. 

My kids also “weaned themselves” around the 15 month mark, but I admit I didn’t really feel a ton of nostalgia about it. Maybe it’s because neither were particularly serene or quiet nursers, so I never really viewed it as “special mom and baby time” so much as “a thing we are doing together right now while you also

Same-ish: My 3yo godson, who has been weaned for about 10 months, still likes to stick his hand down his Mom’s top and into her bra. Not to drink, just to know they’re still there. I think it’s a comfort thing. Imagine my surprise, however, when he did it to me and responded to my far less voluminous chest by saying

Here you just do go! It’s about three from the bottom. For my money, however, “BFM” (last one in the earlier batch of scary stories that year) was the scariest story in this excercise’s history. I think of it randomly a few times a year and want to cry.

It’s the unmeasurables that get me. The slow trickle of day to day stuff that inevitably ends up in my bucket instead of his and end up making it feel so much heavier. Like, he does the dishes, and I cook. Seems like a pretty even split, until you factor in that I rinse the dishes, load the dishwasher, pack the

Yup. My mother’s credo when I was growing up was “always be able to support yourself.” All three of my grandmothers also told me how important it was to be able to make your own way - and they would know - they each worked throughout their marriages, and each became the sole breadwinner at one point or another because

Argh. Yes. This. My husband scooped up our crying toddler the other day while I was elbow deep in hamburger, and his grandmother cooed “Oh, it’s like Baby Canuck has two mommies!” Are you fucking kidding me, Granny? You would rather I pick up my kid with these meat hands so that no ones’ genitals get confused. It’s

I guess the needle has moved quite a bit on the “stay at home mom” wheel, too, since I was a kid. Stay at home mothers weren’t fixtures around school and tireless advocates for their children the way they are now. Sure, they volunteered to chaperone the school field trips and did the Christmas baking, but there wasn’t

Policy slightly more generous than Canada’s, so I’m going to guess... Britain? If so, hi from the colonies. If not... Scandinavia somewhere?

That’s fucking horrendous (re: segregation of all the children of working moms or non white parents into a single “get fucked” class). I am clenching my fists at my desk on your behalf. Is it even at all true that working moms will “complain less” to the school? When I was a kid, working moms were still fairly

Seconded. If you can manage an early wake-up, it's amazing to walk through the streets just as the sun is coming up - possibly the quietest walk I've ever taken in Rome. We rented there through VRBO and had a good experience.

Fucking Circulon. My aunt bought a bunch of these in the mid-aughts. Chiefly for making omelettes. Omlettes! What could possibly be worse to clean out of these microscopic ridges than well cooked egg, you ask? Probably nothing. Maybe, like, superheated nanomaterials. But seriously, probably nothing. When my aunt

This would be a strategic card to play in a lot of American living rooms, but probably not an intelligent one to play in mainstream media outlets or the California courts (in addition to being disingenuous in about a dozen different ways).

Well done, you! You’re not an idiot, not at all. All you can do is listen to your body, and if your body was telling you “I got this” all you can do is be delighted to be a boss!

The persistent misspelling of cinnamon is endearing.

What do you bet the great booty eating renaissance we all keep hearing about was incited by a conspiracy of cats? Makes total sense.

Agreed! Think how much black market breast milk magical precious motherhood journey juice you could buy for that kind of scratch!