
I mean, my cat has a pretty good strategy for drawing eyes to his asshole - sitting ostentatiously in the middle of the living room and giving it an extremely loving and thorough cleaning in front of anyone who crosses our threshold. “Look at my asshole” he is saying “it is mine, and it is beautiful.” Am I going to

Perhaps the “intimate piece of [her]” she was referring to is the average $450 cost for these pendants that some people apparently pre-paid?

I was the “intervening friend” in a situation very similar to yours when I was 16. I caught shit for it, including from the victim whose assault I interrupted, for years after the fact. To the point that I genuinely doubted my own sanity at various points - maybe I had imagined what I thought I saw? Maybe it was

And honestly, the experiences of the Bad Ass Broads, even in the very recent past, are not what people would expect today. I was a big, strong, and admittedly very angry teenaged girl. And at a party one night, I walked into a room to find the host’s creepy, 22 year old drug dealer brother trying to see how many of

Heh! A fever dreamer... I realized about halfway through that I was basically waiting for this video to turn into an episode of Hannibal, and that made it even better.

Yes! Also, as someone who still thinks of Drake primarily as Jimmy from Degrassi, the fundamentally un-Canadian nature of this “you are all me, bitches” missive gives me an added frisson.

I was having a real “I hate all the things” kind of day... and then this. This makes me so happy. I fucking love Bridget Everett, and the thought of her playing catch in the park is exactly what I needed not to punch anyone on my way out of the office.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner (or, depressing MRE in chicken flavour - your call). I can understand how, in the author’s frame of reference - compared to her previous 90-day excursions - 10 days is chump change, but for the rest of us? Not so much. Even as a person blessed with very generous vacation, 10 days is a

I switched to the Diva cup and loved it! For, like, 3 months. Then I had a baby, and between that, the IUD that followed him, and the second baby that followed the IUD, I haven’t had a notable period in 4 years. 4 years! All my diva cup daring is wasted.

Thanks for that! I was sitting there for a full moment wondering whether I was actually a casually transphobic bag of dicks, or whether I was being trolololol’d all the way to the bank of my own earnestness. I never ask without googling first (first rule of internet manners), but apparently Google was equally baffled

“It wasn’t, like, licking licking..."

Brilliant screencap of her laughing woodenly/attempting inhale errant souls from the atmosphere. I barely know who either of these women are, but I love that split image so much and the narrative I have constructed around it is all I need.

Yes! To the point that I was like “WTH it took me like 4 years to grow out my bob.... ohhhhhh.” If I could afford all the fancy weaves, I would basically look like Chewbacca.

What NS is asking (I think), and what I would also like to know, is “to what transphobic incident/statement/thing are you referring?” Not an attempt at under-the-rug sweeping, an honest question from someone who doesn’t know.

You are living the cognitive dissonance of every even moderately environmentally conscious Albertan, I think. It’s really hard to “live your principles” when nearly everyone you know has their livelihood tied up in the resource economy, whether directly or indirectly. It will be very interesting to see what the

The series where she visits her sister's new baby is my personal happy place - I read it while I was at home with my own tiny son, and it was so relatable and funny and sweet. She has a knack for conveying Rembrandt-levels of facial expressiveness in simple pen and ink drawings - pretty remarkable.

Halfsies, although their mother (my stepmother) is only 2 years younger than my Mom and had been with my Dad for 20+ years at that point, so the surprise factor was still pretty significant!

Thank you! I spent the first 21 years of my life as an only child - old enough that, by the time my siblings arrived, a lot of people strongly suspected they were my college fuck up shame babies being raised by my family (they aren’t). I’ve been listening to an uninterrupted fugue and variations on the theme of

especially when you do the math on 80/30,000 applications. But, baby steps I guess?

The ‘Because it is Bitter’: hand carved turkey, gently flavoured with anise, avocado, goat cheese, and so much fucking arugula you will weep quietly in the corner. Served on a pretzel bun. obviously.