
It’s extra beautiful, because she’s an ‘artisanal author’ in exactly the same way anything billed as an “artisanal sandwich” is an artisanal sandwich: in a calculated, mass-consumption friendly way. A+ for you.

Yeah, it’s crazy. It’s sad. It’s fucking ridiculous. The thing these legislators want the most out of all possible things is for women to be denied any kind of a “pass” on having sex without ending up with babies they don’t want and can’t provide for. They want it more than they want to save money and cut spending on

This is my science box. Think of it as... a ‘cleanse’ of sorts.

Ouf, yeah. Upspeak. That one took awhile. My Dad was on my ass about it in highschool, but since his reminders mainly took the form of mocking my inflection, I initially doubled down and it became a real problem to correct once I was in a semi-professional environment.

Yeah, fuck this. Not the same, but... my godson has autism. He’s high functioning, but it’s still noticeable in most of his interactions. The look on his face when he’s overheard parents talking about how leaving their children open to the possibility of serious disease and death is preferable to an (invented) risk

Her entitlement is so goddamn white it’s blinding. Bitch, you are not even the first person to have their wedding ruined by their family member this week. People whose terrible relatives didn’t also ruin and end the lives of other people in the same fell swoop are not asking for money for a do over. Shut up, and have

I think there's a subtle distinction to be made, however, between "am I making sense?" (implying that there may be an inherent fault in your explanation that prevents them from understanding) and "does this make sense to you" (which asks whether they are comprehending what you're saying). I noticed this when I was

Well, I’m comforted that it at least comes off as kinda snotty, because while my mouth says “interesting” my mind is saying “seriously?”

I’ve been making a concerted effort recently to cleanse self-undermining turns of phrase from my workplace vocabulary. My personal Waterloo was “Just checking in,” so this article was particularly timely for me. You’ve just made me aware that I also use “?” to equivocate all. the. damn. time. Even when I am totally

I find that I do a similar thing with “interesting.” Like, if a colleague and I have a different interpretation of something that was said in a meeting, even if I am confident that my interpretation is correct (and even though my track record is very strong), I often say “Interesting... where you heard X, I heard Y.”

Hell yes! It’s funny I just (in the sense of “in the very recent past”) started trying to cull “just” as a modifier from my own email vocabulary. I was a big user of “Just checking in” and “Just touching base” in the context of emails that were, at their core, workplace nagging. It came to me as I was trying to craft

So... based on the photo and the fact that the city listed on Captain Overreaction’s forum account, I’m 90% sure that this happened just down the road from my office. I’m also decently sure that I have seen this asshole before, doing the same thing in much more crowded lots than this one. I’m also willing to bet the

Yeah - from an elite athlete point of view, this really hammers home the importance of his identity in his overall life happiness. I hope folks who on some level still believe trans identity to be a choice or a phase can look at statements like these and maybe begin to see the light.

That's an extremely believable name for Channing Tatum's junk. Much more so that 'Gilbert.'

It’s possible that we’re bizarre world inversions of eachother... I had no siblings until I was in my 20s (courtesy of my Dad’s curious life choices), and had a bit of a tough time understanding the appeal and why it was so important to my husband. So, I’m taking it on faith that it’ll be as great as he says it will,

I mean, I say this about my cousins all the time... but usually in the context of who pinched who first, or who started doing shots before a relative's funeral, or whatever. I hope you make fun of him about this often, although I think it was uncool of your sister to tell your grandma...

I want to create a million burners and catapault you straight to the top. Of everything. I want you to have all the dicks. Every last one of them. Bless you.

He had a pretty strong hat trick going there until he made out with his own cousin.

You’re like a beautiful, ethereal, other-wordly cockblocking muse, dispensing wisdom like petals falling from a flower. I want to be you, instead of the wingman who just straight-arms clingy randos and yells “newp!” But I guess we all have our brands...

I don’t want to steal her thunder, since I am decently sure she’s still on Kinja, but I am desperately hoping that one of my bridesmaids shows up to tell the story of hooking up with the best man at our wedding. I will be scrutinizing these replies closely, to say the least. Also for vicarious thrills as an old